LibDMRConf  0.5.0
A library to program DMR radios.
Channel Member List

This is the complete list of members for Channel, including all inherited members.

as() constChannelinline
Channel(const QString &name, double rx, double tx, Power power, uint txTimeout, bool rxOnly, ScanList *scanlist, QObject *parent=nullptr)Channelprotected
HighPower enum valueChannel
is() constChannelinline
LowPower enum valueChannel
MaxPower enum valueChannel
MidPower enum valueChannel
MinPower enum valueChannel
name() constChannel
onScanListDeleted(QObject *obj)Channelprotectedslot
Power enum nameChannel
power() constChannel
rxFrequency() constChannel
rxOnly() constChannel
scanList() constChannel
setName(const QString &name)Channel
setPower(Power power)Channel
setRXFrequency(double freq)Channel
setRXOnly(bool enable)Channel
setScanList(ScanList *list)Channel
setTimeout(uint dur)Channel
setTXFrequency(double freq)Channel
txFrequency() constChannel
txTimeout() constChannel