libdrmconf  0.12.0
A library to program DMR radios.
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CAbstractConfigObjectListGeneric list class for config objects
 CAddressMapThis class represents a memory map
 CAESEncryptionKeyRepresents an AES (enhanced) encryption key
 CAnalogChannelBase class for all analog channels
 CAnalogContactBase class for all analog contacts
 CAnytoneAPRSFrequencyImplements the config representation of an FM APRS frequency
 CAnytoneAPRSFrequencyListRepresents a list of APRS transmit frequencies
 CAnytoneAPRSFrequencyRefRepresents a reference to an APRS frequency
 CAnytoneAudioSettingsExtensionImplements the audio settings extension of AnyTone devices
 CAnytoneAutoRepeaterOffsetImplements the config representation of a repeater offset
 CAnytoneAutoRepeaterOffsetListRepresents a list of auto-repeater offsets
 CAnytoneAutoRepeaterOffsetRefRepresents a reference to a repeater offset
 CAnytoneAutoRepeaterSettingsExtensionImplements the auto-repeater settings extension of AnyTone devices
 CAnytoneBluetoothSettingsExtensionImplements the bluetooth settings for some AnyTone devices
 CAnytoneBootSettingsExtensionImplements the boot settings extension of AnyTone devices
 CAnytoneChannelExtensionImplements the common properties for analog and digital AnyTone channels
 CAnytoneCodeplugBase class interface for all Anytone radio codeplugs
 CAnytoneContactExtensionImplements the AnyTone contact extension
 CAnytoneDisplaySettingsExtensionImplements the display settings extension of AnyTone devices
 CAnytoneDMRChannelExtensionImplements the settings extension for DMR channels on AnyTone devices
 CAnytoneDMRSettingsExtensionImplements the DMR settings extension of AnyTone devices
 CAnytoneFileReaderThis class implements a reader of AnyTone codeplug files
 CAnytoneFMAPRSSettingsExtensionImplements some additional settings for the FM APRS system
 CAnytoneFMChannelExtensionImplements the settings extension for FM channels on AnyTone devices
 CAnytoneGPSSettingsExtensionImplements the GPS settings extension of AnyTone devices
 CAnytoneInterfaceImplements the interface to Anytone D868UV, D878UV, etc radios
 CAnytoneKeySettingsExtensionImplements the key settings extension of AnyTone devices
 CAnytoneLimitsBase class of limtis for all AnyTone radios
 CAnytoneMenuSettingsExtensionImplements the menu settings extension of AnyTone devices
 CAnytonePowerSaveSettingsExtensionImplements the power-save settings for AnyTone devices
 CAnytoneRadioImplements an interface to Anytone radios
 CAnytoneRoamingSettingsExtensionImplements the ranging/roaming settings extension of AnyTone devices
 CAnytoneSettingsExtensionImplements the device specific extension for the general settings of AnyTone devices
 CAnytoneSimplexRepeaterSettingsExtensionImplements the simplex repeater settings for the BTECH DMR-6X2UV
 CAnytoneToneSettingsExtensionImplements the tone settings extension of AnyTone devices
 CAnytoneZoneExtensionImplements the AnyTone extensions for zones
 CAPRSSystemRepresents an APRS system within the generic config
 CAPRSSystemReferenceImplements a reference to an APRS system
 CAuctusA6InterfaceImplements the communication interface to radios using the Auctus A6 chip
 CBasicEncryptionKeyRepresents a DMR (basic) encryption key
 CC7000DeviceBase class for all C7000 based radios
 CCallsignDBAbstract base class of all callsign database implementations
 CChannelThe base class of all channels (analog and digital) of a codeplug configuration
 CChannelListContainer class holding all channels (analog and digital) for a specific configuration (Config)
 CChannelReferenceRepresents a reference to a channel
 CChannelRefListRepresents a list of weak references to channels (analog and digital)
 CChirpFormatSome common constants for the CIRP reader/writer
 CChirpReaderImplements the CHIRP CSV reader
 CChirpWriterImplements the chirp writer
 CCodeplugThis class defines the interface all device-specific code-plugs must implement
 CCommercialChannelExtensionImplements the generic extension for all channels configuring commercial features of DMR
 CCommercialExtensionImplements the generic extension for the codeplug to represent some commercial features of DMR
 CConfigThe config class, representing the codeplug configuration
 CConfigCloneVisitorThis visitor traverses the the given configuration and clones it
 CConfigCopyJust a name space to hold the copy function
 CConfigExtensionBase class of all device/vendor specific confiuration extensions
 CConfigItemBase class for all configuration objects (channels, zones, contacts, etc)
 CConfigLabelingVisitorA visitor to label the entire configuration
 CConfigMergeJust a namespace to provide merging functions
 CConfigMergeVisitorImplements a visitor to merge the visited config into a given config
 CConfigObjectBase class of all labeled and named objects
 CConfigObjectListList class for config objects
 CConfigObjectReferenceImplements a reference to a config object
 CConfigObjectRefListList class for config objects
 CContactRepresents the base-class for all contact types, analog (DTMF) or digital (DMR, M17)
 CContactListRepresents the list of contacts within the abstract radio configuration
 CContactReferenceRepresents a reference to a contact
 CCRC32Implements the CRC32 checksum as used in DFU files
 CCSVHandlerBasic parse-handler interface
 CCSVLexerThe lexer class divides a text stream into tokens
 CCSVParserThe actual config file parser
 CCSVReaderImplements the text-file codeplug reader
 CD578UVImplements an interface to Anytone AT-D578UV VHF/UHF 50W DMR (Tier I & II) radios
 CD578UVCodeplugRepresents the device specific binary codeplug for Anytone AT-D578UV radios
 CD578UVLimitsImplements the limits for the AnyTone AT-D878UV
 CD868UVImplements an interface to Anytone AT-D868UV VHF/UHF 7W DMR (Tier I & II) radios
 CD868UVCallsignDBRepresents and encodes the binary format for the call-sign database within a AnyTone AT-D868UV radio
 CD868UVCodeplugRepresents the device specific binary codeplug for Anytone AT-D868UV radios
 CD868UVFileReaderReads manufacturer CPS files
 CD868UVLimitsImplements the limits for the AnyTone AT-D878UV
 CD878UVImplements an interface to Anytone AT-D878UV VHF/UHF 7W DMR (Tier I & II) radios
 CD878UV2Implements an interface to Anytone AT-D878UVII VHF/UHF 7W DMR (Tier I & II) radios
 CD878UV2CallsignDBRepresents and encodes the binary format for the call-sign database within the radio
 CD878UV2CodeplugRepresents the device specific binary codeplug for Anytone AT-D878UVII radios
 CD878UV2LimitsImplements the limits for the AnyTone AT-D878UV2
 CD878UVCodeplugRepresents the device specific binary codeplug for Anytone AT-D878UV radios
 CD878UVFileReaderImplements a file read for the AnyTone D878UV manufacturer CPS file
 CD878UVLimitsImplements the limits for the AnyTone AT-D878UV
 CDefaultRadioIDA singleton radio ID representing the default DMR radio ID within the abstract config
 CDefaultRoamingZoneDummy roaming zone class that represents the default roaming zone
 CDFUDeviceThis class implements DFU protocol to access radios
 CDFUFileA collection of images, each consisting of one or more memory sections
 CDFUSEDeviceImplements the ST MCU extensions for the DFU protocol, aka DfuSe
 CDigitalChannelBase class of all digital channels
 CDigitalContactBase class for all digital contacts
 CDM1701Implements an USB interface to the Baofeng DM-1701 and Retevis RT84 VHF/UHF 5W DMR (Tier I&II) radios
 CDM1701CallsignDBDevice specific implementation of the call-sign DB for the BTECH DM1701 and Retevis RT84
 CDM1701CodeplugDevice specific implementation of the codeplug for the Baofeng DM-1701
 CDM1701FileReaderMethods to read manufacturer codeplug files
 CDM1701LimitsImplements the configuration limits for the Baofeng DM-1701
 CDMR6X2UVRepresents a BTECH DMR-6X2UV
 CDMR6X2UVCodeplugRepresents the device specific binary codeplug for BTECH DMR-6X2UV radios
 CDMR6X2UVLimitsImplements the limits for the BTECH DMR-6X2UV
 CDMRChannelExtension to the DigitalChannel class to implement an DMR channel
 CDMRChannelReferenceImplements a reference to a DMR channel
 CDMRChannelRefListRepresents a list of references to some DMR channels
 CDMRContactRepresents a digital contact, that is a DMR number
 CDMRContactReferenceRepresents a reference to a DMR contact
 CDMRContactRefListList of references to DMR contacts
 CDMRRadioIDRepresents a DMR radio ID within the abstract config
 CDMRRadioIDReferenceImplements a reference to a radio ID
 CDR1801UVImplements the BTECH DR-1801UV (BF-1801 A6)
 CDR1801UVCodeplugImplements the binary codeplug representation of a BTECH DR-1801UV (a.k.a, BF-1801-A6)
 CDR1801UVFileReaderMethods to read manufacturer codeplug files
 CDR1801UVInterfaceImplements the actual interface to the DR-1801UV, which builds upon the AuctusA6Interface
 CDR1801UVLimitsImplements the configuration limits for the BTECH DR-1801UV
 CDTMFContactRepresents an analog contact, that is a DTMF number
 CDTMFRadioIDRepresents a DTMF radio ID as used for PTT-ID on analog channels
 CDummyFileReaderJust a class implementing the filereader "interface" that fails
 CEncryptionKeyBase class of all encryption keys
 CEncryptionKeyReferenceImplements a reference to an encryption key
 CEncryptionKeysThe list of encryption keys
 CEnhancedEncryptionKeyRepresents an (enhanced) RC4 encryption key
 CErrorStackImplements a stack of error messages to provide a pretty formatted error traceback
 Cfile_headerInternal used struct to read a CPS file header
 CFileLogHandlerA log-handler that dumps log-messages into files
 CFixReferencesVisistorReplaces references using a specified map
 CFMChannelExtension to the AnalogChannel class to implement an analog FM channel
 CFMChannelReferenceImplements a reference to a FM channel
 CFrequencyHelper type to encode frequencies without any rounding error
 CGD73Implements an USB interface to the Radioddity GD-73 UHF 2W DMR (Tier I&II) radio
 CGD73CodeplugRepresents, encodes and decodes the device specific codeplug for a Radioddity GD-73
 CGD73FileReaderMethods to read manufacturer codeplug files
 CGD73InterfaceImplements the communication interface to the GD-73
 CGD73LimitsImplements the limits for the Radioddity GD77
 CGD77Implements an USB interface to the Radioddity GD-77(S) VHF/UHF 5W DMR (Tier I&II) radios
 CGD77CallsignDBRepresents and encodes the binary format for the call-sign database within the radio
 CGD77CodeplugRepresents, encodes and decodes the device specific codeplug for a Radioddity GD-77
 CGD77FileReaderMethods to read manufacturer codeplug files
 CGD77LimitsImplements the limits for the Radioddity GD77
 CGPSSystemThis class represents a GPS signalling system within the codeplug
 CGPSSystemReferenceImplements a reference to a GPS system
 CGroupListReferenceImplements a reference to a group list
 CHIDeviceImplements the HID radio interface using libusb
 CIntervalRepresents a time interval
 CLoggerSingleton class to process log messages
 CLogHandlerInterface for all log message handler
 CLogMessageImplements a log-message
 CMD2017Implements an USB interface to the TYT MD-2017 & Retevis RT82 VHF/UHF 5W DMR (Tier I&II) radios
 CMD2017CallsignDBDevice specific implementation of the call-sign DB for the TyT MD-2017
 CMD2017CodeplugDevice specific implementation of the codeplug for the TyT MD-2017
 CMD2017FileReaderMethods to read manufacturer codeplug files
 CMD2017LimitsImplements the limits for the TyT MD-2017
 CMD390Implements an USB interface to the TYT MD-390 VHF/UHF 5W DMR (Tier I&II) radio
 CMD390CodeplugDevice specific implementation of the codeplug for the TyT MD-390(U/V)
 CMD390FileReaderMethods to read manufacturer codeplug files
 CMD390LimitsImplements the radio limits for TyT MD-390 radios
 CMelodyA config item that encodes a melody
 CObjectFilterVisitorFitlers instance by meta object
 COpenGD77Implements an USB interface to Open GD-77(S) VHF/UHF 5W DMR (Tier I&II) radios
 COpenGD77CallsignDBRepresents and encodes the binary format for the call-sign database within the radio
 COpenGD77ChannelExtensionImplements the channel extensions for the OpenGD77 radios
 COpenGD77CodeplugRepresents, encodes and decodes the device specific codeplug for Open GD-77 firmware
 COpenGD77ContactExtensionImplements the contact extensions for the OpenGD77 radios
 COpenGD77InterfaceImplements the interfact to a radio running the Open GD77 firmware
 COpenGD77LimitsImplements the limits for the OpenGD77 firmware
 COpenRTXImplements an USB interface to radios running the Open RTX firmware
 COpenRTXCodeplugImplements the binary encoding and decoding of the OpenRTX codeplug
 COpenRTXInterfaceImplements the communication interface to radios running the OpenRTX firmware
 CPositioningSystemBase class of the positioning systems, that is APRS and DMR position reporting system
 CPositioningSystemReferenceImplements a reference to a positioning system
 CPositioningSystemsThe list of positioning systems
 CRadioBase class for all Radio objects
 CRadioddityBootSettingsExtensionRepresents the boot settings for Radioddity devices
 CRadioddityButtonSettingsExtensionRepresents the button settings extension for all radioddity devices
 CRadioddityCodeplugBase class of all Radioddity codeplugs
 CRadioddityInterfaceImplements a radio interface for radios using the HID USB schema (i.e
 CRadioddityRadioBase class for all Radioddity radios
 CRadiodditySettingsExtensionRepresents the general settings extension for Radioddity devices
 CRadioddityToneSettingsExtensionTone settings for Radioddity devices
 CRadioIDAbstract base class for all radio IDs
 CRadioIDListRepresents the list of configured DMR IDs (radio IDs) within the abstract config
 CRadioInfoProvides some information about a radio model
 CRadioInterfaceAbstract radio interface
 CRadioLimitBoolChecks if a property is a boolean value
 CRadioLimitContextCollects the issues found during verification
 CRadioLimitDMRIdRepresents a DMR ID
 CRadioLimitElementAbstract base class for all radio limits
 CRadioLimitEnumRepresents a limit for a set of enum values
 CRadioLimitFrequenciesRepresents a limit on frequencies in MHz
 CRadioLimitGroupCallRefListImplements the limits for a list of references to group call contacts
 CRadioLimitIgnoredRepresents an ignored element in the codeplug
 CRadioLimitIgnoredBoolSpecifies an boolean value as ignored
 CRadioLimitIssueRepresents a single issue found during verification
 CRadioLimitItemRepresents the limits for a ConfigItem instance
 CRadioLimitListSpecifies the limits for a list of ConfigObject instances
 CRadioLimitObjectRepresents the limits for all properties of a ConfigObject instance
 CRadioLimitObjectsDispatch by class
 CRadioLimitObjRefLimits the possible classes a ConfigObjectReference may refer to
 CRadioLimitObjRefIgnoredIssues a notification if a reference is set
 CRadioLimitRefListImplements the limits for reference lists
 CRadioLimitsRepresents the limits or the entire codeplug
 CRadioLimitSingleZoneSpecialized RadioLimitObject handling a zone for radio supporting only a single channel list per zone
 CRadioLimitStringChecks a string valued property
 CRadioLimitStringIgnoredNotifies the user that a string gets ignored
 CRadioLimitStringRegExVerifies that a string matches a regular expression
 CRadioLimitTransmitFrequenciesSpecialization for transmit frequency limits
 CRadioLimitUIntRepresents a limit for an unsigned integer value
 CRadioLimitValueBase class to verify values
 CRadioSettingsRepresents the common radio-global settings
 CRangeSimple range class representing some range in some data type
 CRD5RImplements an interface to the Baofeng/Radioddity RD-5R VHF/UHF 5W DMR (Tier I/II) radio
 CRD5RCodeplugRepresents, encodes and decodes the device specific codeplug for a Baofeng/Radioddity RD-5R
 CRD5RFileReaderMethods to read manufacturer codeplug files
 CRD5RLimitsImplements the configuration limits for the Radioddity RD-5R
 CRoamingChannelRepresents a roaming channel
 CRoamingChannelListRepresents the list of roaming channels within the abstract device configuration
 CRoamingChannelRefListRepresents a list of references to some roaming channels
 CRoamingZoneRepresents a RoamingZone within the abstract device configuration
 CRoamingZoneListRepresents the list of roaming zones within the abstract device configuration
 CRoamingZoneReferenceImplements a reference to a roaming zone
 CRXGroupListGeneric representation of a RX group list
 CRXGroupListsRepresents the list of RX group lists within the generic configuration
 CScanListGeneric representation of a scan list
 CScanListReferenceImplements a reference to a scan list
 CScanListsRepresents the list of scan lists
 CSelectedChannelInternal singleton class representing the "currently selected" channel
 CSignalingContains the enum and utility functions to deal with analog signaling like CTCSS and DCS
 CSMSExtensionExtension collecting all settings associated with SMS messages
 CSMSTemplateRepresents a SMS message template (pre defined message)
 CSMSTemplatesJust a list, holding the SMS templates
 CStreamLogHandlerA log-handler that dumps log-messages into a QTextStream
 CTalkGroupDatabaseDownloads, periodically updates and provides a list of talk group IDs and their names
 CTyTButtonSettingsRepresents the TyT button settings extension
 CTyTCallsignDBBase class for all call-sign DBs of TyT/Retevis devices
 CTyTChannelExtensionRepresents the TyT channel extension
 CTyTCodeplugBase class of all TyT codeplugs
 CTyTConfigExtensionGroups several extension for TyT devices
 CTyTInterfaceInterface to TyT (and Retevis) devices
 CTyTMenuSettingsRepresents the TyT menu settings extension
 CTyTRadioImplements an USB interface to TYT & Retevis radios
 CTyTScanListExtensionRepresents device specific scan-list settings for TyT devices
 CTyTSettingsExtensionRepresents the TyT general settings extension
 CUSBDeviceDescriptorBase class for all radio interface descriptors representing a unique interface to a connected radio
 CUSBDeviceHandleCombines the USB bus and device number, to address a USB device uniquely
 CUSBDeviceInfoGeneric information about a possible radio interface
 CUSBSerialImplements a serial connection to a radio via USB
 CUserDatabaseAuto-updating DMR user database
 CUV390Implements an USB interface to the TYT MD-UV390 & Retevis RT3S VHF/UHF 5W DMR (Tier I&II) radios
 CUV390CallsignDBDevice specific implementation of the call-sign DB for the TyT MD-UV390
 CUV390CodeplugDevice specific implementation of the codeplug for the TyT MD-UV390
 CUV390FileReaderMethods to read manufacturer codeplug files
 CUV390LimitsImplements the configuration limits for the TyT MD-UV390 and Retevis RT3S
 CVisitorBase visitor class for the config tree
 CZoneRepresents a zone within the generic configuration
 CZoneListRepresents the list of zones within the generic configuration
 CZoneMergeVisitorSimple visitor that merges zones
 CZoneReferenceImplements a reference to a zone
 CZoneSplitVisitorSimple visitor that splits Zones having A and B channels into two zones with A-lists only