A library to program DMR radios.
Represents, encodes and decodes the device specific codeplug for a Radioddity GD-77. More...
#include <gd77_codeplug.hh>
Classes | |
class | ChannelElement |
Channel representation within the binary codeplug. More... | |
class | ContactElement |
Specific codeplug representation of a DMR contact for the GD77. More... | |
class | GroupListBankElement |
Table of RX group lists. More... | |
class | GroupListElement |
Represents an RX group list within the codeplug. More... | |
struct | Offset |
Internal used offsets within the codeplug. More... | |
class | ScanListBankElement |
Bank of scan lists for the GD77. More... | |
class | ScanListElement |
Represents a single scan list within the GD77 codeplug. More... | |
Public Member Functions | |
GD77Codeplug (QObject *parent=nullptr) | |
Constructs an empty codeplug for the GD-77. | |
void | clearGeneralSettings () |
Clears the general settings in the codeplug. | |
bool | encodeGeneralSettings (Config *config, const Flags &flags, Context &ctx, const ErrorStack &err=ErrorStack()) |
Updates the general settings from the given configuration. | |
bool | decodeGeneralSettings (Config *config, Context &ctx, const ErrorStack &err=ErrorStack()) |
Updates the given configuration from the general settings. | |
void | clearButtonSettings () |
Clears the button settings. | |
bool | encodeButtonSettings (Context &ctx, const Flags &flags, const ErrorStack &err=ErrorStack()) |
Encodes button settings. | |
bool | decodeButtonSettings (Context &ctx, const ErrorStack &err=ErrorStack()) |
Decodes the button settings. | |
void | clearMessages () |
Clears the messages. | |
bool | encodeMessages (Context &ctx, const Flags &flags, const ErrorStack &err=ErrorStack()) |
Encodes preset messages. | |
bool | decodeMessages (Context &ctx, const ErrorStack &err=ErrorStack()) |
Decodes preset messages. | |
void | clearScanLists () |
Clears all scan lists. | |
bool | encodeScanLists (Config *config, const Flags &flags, Context &ctx, const ErrorStack &err=ErrorStack()) |
Encodes all scan lists. | |
bool | createScanLists (Config *config, Context &ctx, const ErrorStack &err=ErrorStack()) |
Creates all scan lists. | |
bool | linkScanLists (Config *config, Context &ctx, const ErrorStack &err=ErrorStack()) |
Links all scan lists. | |
void | clearContacts () |
Clears all contacts in the codeplug. | |
bool | encodeContacts (Config *config, const Flags &flags, Context &ctx, const ErrorStack &err=ErrorStack()) |
Encodes all digital contacts in the configuration into the codeplug. | |
bool | createContacts (Config *config, Context &ctx, const ErrorStack &err=ErrorStack()) |
Adds a digital contact to the configuration for each one in the codeplug. | |
void | clearDTMFContacts () |
Clears all DTMF contacts in the codeplug. | |
bool | encodeDTMFContacts (Config *config, const Flags &flags, Context &ctx, const ErrorStack &err=ErrorStack()) |
Encodes all DTMF contacts. | |
bool | createDTMFContacts (Config *config, Context &ctx, const ErrorStack &err=ErrorStack()) |
Adds all DTMF contacts to the configuration. | |
void | clearChannels () |
Clear all channels. | |
bool | encodeChannels (Config *config, const Flags &flags, Context &ctx, const ErrorStack &err=ErrorStack()) |
Encode all channels. | |
bool | createChannels (Config *config, Context &ctx, const ErrorStack &err=ErrorStack()) |
Adds all defined channels to the configuration. | |
bool | linkChannels (Config *config, Context &ctx, const ErrorStack &err=ErrorStack()) |
Links all channels. | |
void | clearBootSettings () |
Clear boot settings. | |
void | clearMenuSettings () |
Clears menu settings. | |
void | clearBootText () |
Clears boot text. | |
bool | encodeBootText (Config *config, const Flags &flags, Context &ctx, const ErrorStack &err=ErrorStack()) |
Encodes boot text. | |
bool | decodeBootText (Config *config, Context &ctx, const ErrorStack &err=ErrorStack()) |
Updates the given configuration from the boot text settings. | |
void | clearVFOSettings () |
Clears the VFO settings. | |
void | clearZones () |
Clears all zones. | |
bool | encodeZones (Config *config, const Flags &flags, Context &ctx, const ErrorStack &err=ErrorStack()) |
Encodes zones. | |
bool | createZones (Config *config, Context &ctx, const ErrorStack &err=ErrorStack()) |
Adds zones to the configuration. | |
bool | linkZones (Config *config, Context &ctx, const ErrorStack &err=ErrorStack()) |
Links all zones within the configuration. | |
void | clearGroupLists () |
Clears all group lists. | |
bool | encodeGroupLists (Config *config, const Flags &flags, Context &ctx, const ErrorStack &err=ErrorStack()) |
Encodes all group lists. | |
bool | createGroupLists (Config *config, Context &ctx, const ErrorStack &err=ErrorStack()) |
Creates all group lists. | |
bool | linkGroupLists (Config *config, Context &ctx, const ErrorStack &err=ErrorStack()) |
Links all group lists. | |
void | clearEncryption () |
Clears all encryption keys. | |
bool | encodeEncryption (Config *config, const Flags &flags, Context &ctx, const ErrorStack &err) |
Encodes all encryption keys defined. | |
bool | createEncryption (Config *config, Context &ctx, const ErrorStack &err) |
Creates all encryption keys. | |
bool | linkEncryption (Config *config, Context &ctx, const ErrorStack &err) |
Links all encryption keys. | |
![]() | |
virtual | ~RadioddityCodeplug () |
Destructor. | |
virtual void | clear () |
Clears and resets the complete codeplug to some default values. | |
bool | index (Config *config, Context &ctx, const ErrorStack &err=ErrorStack()) const |
Indexes all elements of the codeplug. More... | |
bool | decode (Config *config, const ErrorStack &err=ErrorStack()) |
Decodes a binary codeplug to the given abstract configuration config . More... | |
bool | postprocess (Config *config, const ErrorStack &err) const |
Retruns a post-processed configuration of the decoded config. More... | |
Config * | preprocess (Config *config, const ErrorStack &err) const |
Retruns a prepared configuration for this particular radio. More... | |
bool | encode (Config *config, const Flags &flags=Flags(), const ErrorStack &err=ErrorStack()) |
Encodes a given abstract configuration (config ) to the device specific binary code-plug. More... | |
virtual bool | decodeElements (Context &ctx, const ErrorStack &err=ErrorStack()) |
Decodes the binary codeplug and stores its content in the given generic configuration using the given context. | |
virtual bool | encodeElements (const Flags &flags, Context &ctx, const ErrorStack &err=ErrorStack()) |
Encodes the given generic configuration as a binary codeplug using the given context. | |
![]() | |
virtual | ~Codeplug () |
Destructor. | |
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DFUFile (QObject *parent=nullptr) | |
Constructs an empty DFU file object. | |
uint32_t | size () const |
Returns the total size of the DFU file. | |
uint32_t | memSize () const |
Returns the total memory size stored in the DFU file. | |
int | numImages () const |
Returns the number of images within the DFU file. | |
const Image & | image (int i) const |
Returns a reference to the i-th image of the file. | |
Image & | image (int i) |
Returns a reference to the i-th image of the file. | |
void | addImage (const QString &name, uint8_t altSettings=1) |
Adds a new image to the file. | |
void | addImage (const Image &img) |
Adds an image to the file. | |
void | remImage (int i) |
Deletes the i-th image from the file. | |
bool | isAligned (unsigned blocksize) const |
Checks if all image addresses and sizes is aligned with the given block size. | |
bool | read (const QString &filename, const ErrorStack &err=ErrorStack()) |
Reads the specified DFU file. More... | |
bool | read (QFile &file, const ErrorStack &err=ErrorStack()) |
Reads the specified DFU file. More... | |
bool | write (const QString &filename, const ErrorStack &err=ErrorStack()) |
Writes to the specified file. More... | |
bool | write (QFile &file, const ErrorStack &err=ErrorStack()) |
Writes to the specified file. More... | |
void | dump (QTextStream &stream) const |
Dumps a text representation of the DFU file structure to the specified text stream. | |
virtual bool | isAllocated (uint32_t offset, uint32_t img=0) const |
Returns true if the specified address (and image) is allocated. | |
virtual unsigned char * | data (uint32_t offset, uint32_t img=0) |
Returns a pointer to the encoded raw data at the specified offset. | |
virtual const unsigned char * | data (uint32_t offset, uint32_t img=0) const |
Returns a const pointer to the encoded raw data at the specified offset. | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
RadioddityCodeplug (QObject *parent=nullptr) | |
Hidden constructor, use a device specific class to instantiate. | |
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Codeplug (QObject *parent=nullptr) | |
Hidden default constructor. | |
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QVector< Image > | _images |
The list of images. | |
Represents, encodes and decodes the device specific codeplug for a Radioddity GD-77.
The GD-77 & GD-77S codeplugs are almost identical to the Radioddity/Baofeng RD5RCodeplug
, in fact the memory layout (see below) and almost all of the single components of the codeplug are encoded in exactly the same way. Obviously, when Baofeng and Radioddity joint to create the RD5R, Radioddity provided the firmware. However, there are some small subtile differences between these two codeplug formats, requiring a separate class for the GD-77. For example, the contacts and scan-lists swapped the addresses and the channel_t
encoding analog and digital channels for the codeplugs are identical except for the squelch settings. Thanks for that!
This class implements the codeplug for the firmware version 4.03.06. The codeplug format usually does not change much with firmware revisions, in particular not with older radios. Unfortunately, it is not possible to detect the firmware version running on the device. Consequenly, only the newest firmware version is supported. However, older revisions may still work.
The memory representation of the codeplug within the radio is divided into two segments. The first segment starts at the address 0x00080 and ends at 0x07c00 while the second section starts at 0x08000 and ends at 0x1e300.
Start | End | Size | Content |
First segment 0x00080-0x07c00 | |||
0x00080 | 0x000e0 | 0x0070 | ??? Unknown ??? |
0x000e0 | 0x000ec | 0x000c | General settings, see RadioddityCodeplug::GeneralSettingsElement . |
0x000ec | 0x00108 | 0x0028 | ??? Unknown ??? |
0x00108 | 0x00128 | 0x0020 | Button settings, see RadioddityCodeplug::ButtonSettingsElement . |
0x00128 | 0x01370 | 0x1248 | 32 preset message texts, see RadioddityCodeplug::MessageBankElement . |
0x01370 | 0x01790 | 0x0420 | ??? Unknown ??? |
0x01790 | 0x02dd0 | 0x1640 | 64 scan lists, see GD77Codeplug::ScanListBankElement and GD77Codeplug::ScanListElement |
0x02dd0 | 0x02f88 | 0x01b8 | ??? Unknown ??? |
0x02f88 | 0x03388 | 0x0400 | DTMF contacts, see RadioddityCodeplug::DTMFContactElement. |
0x03388 | 0x03780 | 0x03f8 | ??? Unknown ??? |
0x03780 | 0x05390 | 0x1c10 | First 128 channels (bank 0), see RadioddityCodeplug::ChannelBankElement and GD77Codeplug::ChannelElement |
0x05390 | 0x07518 | 0x2188 | ??? Unknown ??? |
0x07518 | 0x07538 | 0x0020 | Boot settings, see RadioddityCodeplug::BootSettingsElement . |
0x07538 | 0x07540 | 0x0008 | Menu settings, see RadioddityCodeplug::MenuSettingsElement . |
0x07540 | 0x07560 | 0x0020 | 2 intro lines, RadioddityCodeplug::BootTextElement . |
0x07560 | 0x07590 | 0x0030 | ??? Unknown ??? |
0x07590 | 0x075c8 | 0x0038 | VFO A settings RadioddityCodeplug::VFOChannelElement |
0x075c8 | 0x07600 | 0x0038 | VFO B settings RadioddityCodeplug::VFOChannelElement |
0x07600 | 0x07c00 | 0x0600 | ??? Unknown ??? |
Second segment 0x08000-0x1e300 | |||
0x08000 | 0x08010 | 0x0010 | ??? Unknown ??? |
0x08010 | 0x0af10 | 0x2f00 | 68 zones of 80 channels each, see RadioddityCodeplug::ZoneBankElement RadioddityCodeplug::ZoneElement . |
0x0af10 | 0x0b1b0 | 0x02a0 | ??? Unknown ??? |
0x0b1b0 | 0x17620 | 0xc470 | Remaining 896 channels (bank 1-7), see RadioddityCodeplug::ChannelBankElement , GD77Codeplug::ChannelElement . |
0x17620 | 0x1d620 | 0x6000 | 1024 contacts, see GD77Codeplug::ContactElement . |
0x1d620 | 0x1eaa0 | 0x1480 | 64 RX group lists, see GD77Codeplug::GroupListBankElement , GD77Codeplug::GroupListElement . |
0x1eaa0 | 0x1eb00 | 0x0060 | ??? Unknown ??? |