libdrmconf  0.12.0
A library to program DMR radios.
libdmrconf – A Library to program DMR radios.

Libdmrconf is a Qt based library, providing methods to assemble, read and program codeplugs for cheap Chinese DMR radios. To this end, it aims at providing a common way to describe codeplugs irrespective of the actual radio being used.

The aim of this project is, to define a minimal but sufficient generic configuration for all radios, such that all relevant ham-radio features of the radios can be used. This is a challenge, as there are many manufacturers, each selling several different models, each having a variety of different features. In fact, manufacturers provide a separate application to program each model. The resulting codeplugs are usually stored in a binary format, similar to the actual codeplug being loaded onto the radio.

This makes absolutely sense for commercial applications, like radios used by staff at large events. In these cases, the organizer of the event would buy large quantities of identical radios and assemble a single codeplug for all radios.

For ham-radio purposes, however, this incompatibility between models and manufactures is an issue. Assembling a decent codeplug for a region with several repeaters is cumbersome. As these applications cannot share codeplugs between models let alone between manufactures, this cumbersome work has to be repeated for each model, although the basic configuration of these models like contact, channels & zones remains identical. In fact, many features of these radios are specific to the commercial application and are not used in ham-radio context.

A common minimalistic configuration of these radios for ham-radio use would allow for sharing codeplugs between different models and even manufactures. Hence, the hard work to assemble a decent codeplug for a particular region only needs to be done once.

To this end, libdmrconf defines a configuration language in text format, that represents the configuration of the radio and from which the actual binary code-plug for each radio is derived. If a radio does not support a particular feature within the configuration, it simply gets ignored. The configuration language as well as classes for reading and writing config files are documented in the manual.

Using libdmrconf

  • Using cmake to find libdmrconf
  • setting paths
  • linking
  • include files

Interfacing radios

In a first step, detect all USB devices that could be connected radios. Some radios use generic USB CDC-AMC (USB-to-serial) chips. In these cases be careful, that you do not confuse them with other hardware connected to the host. So, to detect USB interfaces use the device specific interfaces, e.g. AnytoneInterface::detect(), RadioddityInterface::detect() or TyTInterface::detect(). For example

#include <libdmrconf.hh>
int main(void) {
// Find any supported devices connected
QList<USBDeviceDescriptor> devices = AnytoneInterface::detect() +
if (0 == devices.size()) {
std::cerr << "No matching device found.";
return -1;
// As the connected radio may use a generic USB CDC-ACM chip, check if the interface is safe.
if (! devices.first().isSave()) {
std::cerr << "Sorry, the detected device is not save to talk to automatically, "
"check if the chosen device is the correct one.";
return -1;
// Then try to connect to the first found.
// The radio interface is common to all devices. So the remaining code is device independent.
Radio *radio = Radio::detect(devices.first(), RadioInfo(), err);
if (nullptr == radio) {
std::cerr << "Oops:" << err.format();
return -1;
// Download codeplug
if (! radio->startDownload(true, err)) {
std::cerr << "Error while downloading codeplug:" << err.format();
delete radio;
return -1;
// Decode codeplug to device independent config
Config config;
if (! radio->codeplug().decode(&config, err)) {
std::cerr << "Cannot decode codeplug:" << err.format();
delete radio;
return -1;
// Now, manipulate the generic codeplug in config.
// Verify codeplug with radio
if (! radio->limits().verifyConfig(config, issues)) {
// Dump issues...
delete radio;
return -1;
// Encode and upload codeplug back to the device
if (! radio->startUpload(config, true, Codeplug::Flags(), err)) {
std::err << "Cannot write codeplug: " << err.format();
delete radio;
return -1;
// Done.
delete radio;
return 0;
Certain flags passed to CodePlug::encode to control the transfer and encoding of the codeplug.
Definition: codeplug.hh:25
virtual bool decode(Config *config, const ErrorStack &err=ErrorStack())=0
Decodes a binary codeplug to the given abstract configuration config.
The config class, representing the codeplug configuration.
Definition: config.hh:70
Provides some information about a radio model.
Definition: radioinfo.hh:16
Collects the issues found during verification.
Definition: radiolimits.hh:94
virtual bool verifyConfig(const Config *config, RadioLimitContext &context) const
Verifies the given configuration.
Base class for all Radio objects.
Definition: radio.hh:32
virtual const Codeplug & codeplug() const =0
Returns the codeplug instance.
static Radio * detect(const USBDeviceDescriptor &descr, const RadioInfo &force=RadioInfo(), const ErrorStack &err=ErrorStack())
Tries to detect the radio connected to the specified interface or constructs the specified radio usin...
virtual bool startUpload(Config *config, bool blocking=false, const Codeplug::Flags &flags=Codeplug::Flags(), const ErrorStack &err=ErrorStack())=0
Derives the device-specific codeplug from the generic configuration and uploads that codeplug to the ...
virtual const RadioLimits & limits() const =0
Returns the limits for this radio.
virtual bool startDownload(bool blocking=false, const ErrorStack &err=ErrorStack())=0
Starts the download of the codeplug.
static QList< USBDeviceDescriptor > detect(bool saveOnly=true)
Tries to find all interfaces connected AnyTone radios.
static QList< USBDeviceDescriptor > detect(bool saveOnly=true)
Tries to find all interfaces connected TyT radios.
static QList< USBDeviceDescriptor > detect()
Searches for all USB serial ports.

Reading and writing codeplug files

  • Using YAML for reading and writing codeplug files

Manipulating codeplugs

  • Some examples for basic manipulations of the Config object.