Greetings from Königs Wusterhausen (near Berlin),
Ever since my schooldays, I have been an SWL with a strong interest in building my own equipment. After some time, I got tired of building receivers and finally decided to take the exam. On March 2017, I did it and got the call DO3MAT. Since May 2017, I am a member of the DARC hence I prefer to receive QSLs via bureau.
Finally, since December 2017, a homemade QRP rig with about 5W-10W output on all shortwave bands, replaces my FT-817 as my primary transceiver. At June 2018, I managed to pass the advanced license test and got the call sign DM3MAT. As antennas I use an inverted Vee on 10m, 15m, 20m and 30m, and an HF-P1 portable antenna on my balcony for 80m and 40m, as well as a matched gutter for 160m.

Mid 2019, I designed an build a small portable multi-band QRP CW rig, that I use frequently on the HF bands. My CW sending and reading skills are still kind of weak, so please be patient and QRS if you want to rag chew. I am absolutely fascinated however, by the ability to make contacts throughout the continent (low sunspot count) using a small home-brew rig and nothing more that a simple wire on my balcony.
On this page, I collect some of my ham-radio related hard- and software projects. All projects a available in source code, that is, all Eagle/KiCad files, firmware and software source code files are available either here or on the linked Github repositories. Beside the aforementioned SSB and CW QRP transceiver, I have also published my scalar network analyzer, antenna analyzer and a portable L-match box projects here.
I have also written some ham-radio related software. For example a morse tutor using the Koch method, a client application to the reverse beacon network and a programming tool for cheap Chinese DMR radios. An online sporadic-E tracking/prediction tool is also available here.
Projects powered by my general interest into electronics and physics are also published here. For example my cheap USB pulse-oximeter.
Best and 73,
Hannes, DM3MAT