LibDMRConf  0.5.0
A library to program DMR radios.
Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | List of all members
UV390Codeplug::general_settings_t Struct Reference

Codeplug representation of the general settings. More...

#include <uv390_codeplug.hh>

Public Member Functions

 general_settings_t ()
void clear ()
 Resets this general settings.
QTimeZone getTimeZone () const
 Returns the time-zone set within the codeplug.
void setTimeZone ()
 Sets the time-zone to the system time-zone.
void setTimeZone (const QTimeZone &tz)
 Sets the time-zone to the given one.
uint32_t getRadioId () const
 Returns the radio DMR ID.
void setRadioId (uint32_t num)
 Sets the radio DMR ID.
uint32_t getRadioId1 () const
 Returns the first additional radio DMR ID.
void setRadioId1 (uint32_t num)
 Sets the first additional radio DMR ID.
uint32_t getRadioId2 () const
 Returns the second additional radio DMR ID.
void setRadioId2 (uint32_t num)
 Sets the second additional radio DMR ID.
uint32_t getRadioId3 () const
 Returns the third additional radio DMR ID.
void setRadioId3 (uint32_t num)
 Set the third additional radio DMR ID.
QString getName () const
 Returns the name of the radio.
void setName (const QString &n)
 Sets the name of the radio.
QString getIntroLine1 () const
 Returns the first intro line.
void setIntroLine1 (const QString &text)
 Sets the first intro line.
QString getIntroLine2 () const
 Returns the second intro line.
void setIntroLine2 (const QString &text)
 Sets the second intro line.
bool updateConfigObj (Config *conf) const
 Updates the generic configuration from this general settings.
void fromConfigObj (const Config *conf)
 Updates this codeplug general settings from the generic configuration.

Public Attributes

uint16_t intro_line1 [10]
 Intro line 1: 10 x 16bit unicode, default=0.
uint16_t intro_line2 [10]
 Intro line 2: 10 x 16bit unicode, default=0.
uint8_t _unused40 [24]
 Reserved: 24 bytes 0xff.
uint8_t _unused64_0: 1
 Reserved = 0.
uint8_t _unused64_1: 1
 Reserved = 1.
uint8_t disable_all_leds_inv: 1
 Disable all LEDs: 1 = Off, 0 = On, default=0.
uint8_t _unused64_3: 1
 Reserved = 1.
uint8_t monitor_type: 1
 Monitor type: 1 = Open Squelch, 0 = Silent, default=1.
uint8_t _unused64_6: 1
 Reserved = 1.
uint8_t tx_mode: 2
 TX Mode: 0=LastCallCH, 1=LastCallCH+HandCH, 2 = DesignedCH, 3 = DesignedCH+HandCH, default=3.
uint8_t save_preamble: 1
 Save Preamble: 0=Disabled, 1=Enabled, default=1.
uint8_t save_mode_receive: 1
 Save Mode Receive: 0=Disabled, 1=Enabled, default=1.
uint8_t disable_all_tones_inv: 1
 Disable all tones: 0=True, 1=False, default=0.
uint8_t _unused65_3: 1
 Reserved = 1.
uint8_t ch_free_indication_tone: 1
 Ch. free indication tone: 0 = Enabled, 1 = Disabled, default=1.
uint8_t pw_and_lock_enable: 1
 Password and lock enable: 0 = Enabled, 1 = Disabled, default=1.
uint8_t talk_permit_tone: 2
 Talk permit tone: 0=None, 1=Digital, 2=Analog, 3=Analog+Digital, default=1.
uint8_t _unused66_0: 1
 Reserved = 0.
uint8_t channel_voice_announce: 1
 Channel voice announce, 0=Off, 1=On, default=0.
uint8_t _unused66_2: 1
 Reserved = 0.
uint8_t _unused66_3: 1
 Reserved = 1.
uint8_t intro_picture: 1
 Intro Picture: 0=Off, 1=On, default=1.
uint8_t keypad_tones: 1
 Keypad tones: 0=Off, 1=On, default=0.
uint8_t _unused66_6: 2
 Reserved = 0b11.
uint8_t _unused67_0: 2
 Reserved = 0b11.
uint8_t mode_select_a: 1
 Mode select A: 1 = MR, 0 = VFO, default=1.
uint8_t _unused67_1: 4
 Reserved = 0b1111.
uint8_t mode_select_b: 1
 Mode select B: 1 = MR, 0 = VFO, default=1.
uint8_t radio_id [3]
 Radio DMR ID, default=0.
uint8_t _unused71
 Pad byte = 0x00.
uint8_t tx_preamble_duration
 Tx preamble duration: x*60ms [0..144], default=0x0a.
uint8_t group_call_hang_time
 Group call hang time: x*100ms [0..70], default=0x1e.
uint8_t private_call_hang_time
 Private call hang time: x*100ms [0..70], default=0x28.
uint8_t vox_sensitivity
 VOX sensitivity: [1..10], default=0x03.
uint8_t _unused76
 Reserved = 0x00.
uint8_t _unused77
 Reserved = 0x00.
uint8_t rx_low_battery_interval
 RX low battery interval: x*5s [0..127], default=0x18.
uint8_t call_alert_tone_duration
 Call alert tone duration: x*5s [1..240], 0=Continous, default=0x00.
uint8_t lone_worker_response_time
 Lone Worker response time: x in minutes [1..255], default=0x01,.
uint8_t lone_worker_reminder_time
 Lone Worker reminder time: x in minutes [1..255], default=0x0a,.
uint8_t _unused82
 Reserved = 0x00.
uint8_t scan_digital_hang_time
 Scan digital hang time @ 0x22b8: x*100ms [5..100], default=0x0a,.
uint8_t scan_analog_hang_time
 Scan analog hang time @ 0x22b9: x*100ms [0..100], default=0x0a.
uint8_t backlight_time: 2
 Backlight time: 0=Always, 1=5s, 2=10s, 3=15s., default=0x02.
uint8_t _unused85_2: 6
 Reserved = 0.
uint8_t set_keypad_lock_time
 Set keypad lock time: 0xff = manual, 0x01=5s, 0x02=10s, 0x03=15s, default=0xff.
uint8_t mode
 Mode: 0xff = Channel, 0x00 = Frequency,. More...
uint32_t power_on_password
 Power on password: 8 x BCD, 0x00000000.
uint32_t radio_prog_password
 Radio prog password: 8 x BCD 0xffffffff = Disabled, default=0xffffffff.
uint8_t pc_prog_password [8]
 PC prog password: ASCII, 0x00 terminated, all 0xff = disabled, default=0xff.
uint8_t _unused104 [3]
 Reserved = 0xffffff.
uint8_t group_call_match: 1
 Group call match: 0=Off, 1=On, default=1.
uint8_t private_call_match: 1
 Private call match: 0=Off, 1=On, default=1.
uint8_t _unused107_4: 1
 Reserved = 1.
uint8_t time_zone: 5
 Timezone 0=UTC-12, 1=UTC-11, ..., 12=UTC, 13=UTC+1, ..., 24=UTC+12, default=0x0c.
uint32_t _unused108
 Reserved = 0xffffffff.
uint16_t radio_name [16]
 Radio name 16-bit unicode., default=0x00.
uint8_t channel_hang_time
 Channel hang time: x*100ms [0..70], default=0x1e.
uint8_t _unused145
 Unused, set to 0xff.
uint8_t _unused146_0: 2
 Unused, set to 0b11.
uint8_t public_zone: 1
 Public zone: 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled, default=1.
uint8_t _unused146_4: 5
 Unused, set to 0b11111.
uint8_t _unused147
 Unused, set to 0xff.
uint8_t radio_id1 [3]
 Radio ID 1 @ 0x22f9, default=0x000001.
uint8_t _pad151
 Padding byte @ 0x22fc = 0x00.
uint8_t radio_id2 [3]
 Radio ID 1 @ 0x22fd, default=0x000002.
uint8_t _pad155
 Padding byte @ 0x2300 = 0x00.
uint8_t radio_id3 [3]
 Radio ID 1 @ 0x2301, default=0x000003.
uint8_t _pad159
 Padding byte @ 0x2304 = 0x00.
uint8_t _unused_160_0: 3
 Reserved = 0b111.
uint8_t mic_level: 3
 Mic Level 0=1, 1=2, ..., 5=6 [0..5], default=2.
uint8_t edit_radio_id: 1
 Edit Radio ID 0=Enable, 1=Disable, default=0.
uint8_t _unused_160_7: 1
 Reserved = 1.
uint8_t _reserved_161 [15]
 Reserved, filled with 0xff;.

Detailed Description

Codeplug representation of the general settings.

Memmory layout of encoded settings:

     0                               8                               16                              24
00 | Intro Line 1, 10 x 16bit unicode characters                                                                               ...
10  ...                                                                                                                            |
14 | Intro Line 2, 10 x 16bit unicode characters                                                                               ...
24  ...                                                                                                                            |
26 | Reserved 24 bytes, set to 0xff                                                                                             ...
3c  ...                                                                                                                            |
40 |  TXM  | 1 |MNT| 1 |DAL| 1   0 |TlkPerT|PWE|CIT| 1 |DAT|SMR|SPR| 1   1 |KPT|INP| 1   0 |CVN| 0 |MSB| 1   1   1   1 |MSA| 1   1 |
44 | DMR ID binary form                                                                            | Unused 0x00                   |
48 | TX Preamble Duration N x 60ms | Grp Call Hang Time N x 100ms  | Prv. Call Hang Time N x 100ms | VOX sensitivity [1..10]       |
4c | Unused, set 0x00              | Unused, set 0x00              | RX Low Bat. Intv N x 5s       | Call Alert Tone Dur N x 5s    |
50 | Lone Worker Resp. Time in sec | Lone Worker Rem. Time in sec  | Unused, set to 0x00           | Scan Dig. Hang Time N x 100ms |
54 | Scan Anal. Hang Time N x 100ms|BcLTime| 0   0   0   0   0   0 | Keypad Lock Time N x 5s       | Mode                          |
58 | Power-on password 8 x BCD numbers, 0x00000000=default                                                                         |
5c | Radio prog. password 8 x BCD numbers, 0xffffffff=disabled                                                                     |
60 | PC Programming password 8 x ASCII, 0x00 terminated, filled with 0xff=disabled                                              ...
64  ...                                                                                                                            |
68 | Unused set to 0xffffff                                                                        | Timezone,0=UTC-12 | 1 |PCM|GCM|
6c | Unused set to 0xffffffff                                                                                                      |
70 | Radio name 16 x 16bit unicode chars                                                                                        ...
8c  ...                                                                                                                            |
90 | Channel hang time N x 100ms   | Unused, set to 0xff           | 1   1   1   1   1 |PbZ| 1   1 | Unused, set to 0xff           |
94 | Radio ID 1, binary encoded                                                                    | Unused set to 0x00            |
98 | Radio ID 2, binary encoded                                                                    | Unused set to 0x00            |
9c | Radio ID 3, binary encoded                                                                    | Unused set to 0x00            |
a0 | 1 |ERI| MicLevel  | 1   1   1 | 15 reseved bytes filled with 0xff                                                          ...
ac  ...                                                                                                                            |
TXM = TX Mode; MNT = Monitor type; DAL = Disable all LEDs; TlkPerT = Talk permit tone;
PWE = Password and lock enable; CIT = Ch. free indication tone; DAT = Disable all tones;
SMR = Save Mode Receive; SPR = Save Preamble; KPT = Keypad tones; INP = Intro Picture;
CVN = Channel voice announce; MSB = Mode select B (VFO/MR); MSA = Mode select A (VFO/MR);
BcLTime = Backlight time; PCM = Private call match; GCM = Group call match; PbZ = Public zone;
ERI = Edit Radio ID

Member Data Documentation

◆ mode

uint8_t UV390Codeplug::general_settings_t::mode

Mode: 0xff = Channel, 0x00 = Frequency,.

See also
mode_select_a, mode_select_b, default=0xff

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following files: