Personal Page of DM3MAT

Contact table

The contact table is a list of DMR contacts like

Contact Name             Type    ID       RxTone
1       "DM3MAT"         Private 2621370  +
2       "DMR All Call"   All     16777215 -
3       "Simplex TG99"   Group   99       -
4       "Global"         Group   91       -
5       "EU"             Group   92       -
6       "Regional"       Group   8        -
7       "Local"          Group   9        -
8       "Deutschland"    Group   262      -
9       "Berlin/Brand"   Group   2621     -
10      "Berlin City"    Group   26212    -
11      "Brandenburg"    Group   26209    -
12      "Sachs/Thu"      Group   2629     -
13      "R Brandenburg"  Private 4044     -  

These contacts can be personal contacts like DM3MAT, so-called all-calls and group calls. The contact table starts with the "Contact" keyword and ends with an empty line. The remaining keywords ("Name", "Type", "ID", "RxTone") are ignored, however, they are part of the self-documentation of the config file.

Following the "Contact" keyword, each line represents a single contact in the contact list. The first column represents a unique internal ID for the contact. It must not necessarily be in ascending order, any unique number will do. The second column is the name of the contact. Any string can be used here. The third column specifies the type of the contact. This must be one of the keywords "Private", "Group" or "All", meaning private, group or all-calls, respectively. The fourth column specifies the DMR ID for the contact. Please note, that an all-call requires the specific DMR ID 16777215 to work as an all-call. The last column specifies, whether an incoming call from this contact will cause a ring-tone. Here "+" means enabled/yes and "-" disabled/no.