This chapter documents the extensions and settings specific to AnyTone™ radios. Please note, that not all attributes are applicable to all devices.
This extensions allows to specify some DMR contact attributes for AnyTone™ devices. This extension is only applicable to DMR (digital) contacts.
The AnyTone™ contact extension is a mapping named anytone. It contains the device specific settings for that DMR contact.
For now, there is only one attribute allowing to override the alert type for a DMR contact.
Channel extension fields
- alertType
The alert type specifies the notification type when a call from that contact is received. To this end, this field overrides the ring setting of the common contact settings. This attribute is either None, Ring or Online. If None is set, the notification is disabled.
This extensions allows to set some device specific channel settings for AnyTone™ devices. There are some general settings, valid for FM and DMR channels as well some FM and DMR specific settings.
Example 4.13. Examples of the AnyTone™ extensions for FM and DMR channels.
channels: - dmr: name: Example DMR channel # ... anytone: talkaround: false frequencyCorrection: 0 handsFree: false callConfirm: false sms: true smsConfirm: false dataACK: true simplexTDMA: false adaptiveTDMA: false loneWorker: false throughMode: false - fm: name: Example FM channel # ... anytone: talkaround: false frequencyCorrection: 0 handsFree: false reverseBurst: false rxCustomCTCSS: false txCustomCTCSS: false customCTCSS: 0.0 squelchMode: Carrier scrambler: false
This section describes the common channel attributes. These attributes are shared between FM and DMR channels.
- talkaround
If true, talkaround is enabled for this channel. This will bypass the repeater on repeater channels and allows to talk to other participants directly.
- frequencyCorrection
Specifies some sort of correction to the frequency in some unknown units. Consider contacting me, if you know more details about it.
- handsFree
If true, the hands-free feature is enabled for this channel. The actual configuration of the hands-free feature happens in the general settings extension. This setting is only applicable to the AT-D578UV device.
- fmAPRSFrequency
Optional alternative FM APRS frequency specified in the AnyTone extension to the APRS settings.
These attributes are only valid for FM channels.
- reverseBurst
If true, a CTCSS phase-reverse burst is sent at the end of transmission. This phase reversal of the CTCSS tone at the end of the transmission can be used to prevent a noise tail at the end of the transmission on the receiver side. See Reverse CTCSS for details.
- rxCustomCTCSS
If true, the custom CTCSS frequency (see customCTCSS) is used to control the squelch.
- txCustomCTCSS
If true, the custom CTCSS frequency (see customCTCSS) is transmitted.
- customCTCSS
Specifies a custom CTCSS frequency in Hz. The frequency can be specified with a resolution of 0.1Hz.
- squelchMode
Specifies the squelch mode. Must be one of Carrier, SubTone, OptSig, SubToneAndOptSig or SubToneOrOptSig.
- scrambler
If true, the analog scrambler is enabled. It is not legal to use scramblers in HAM radio.
This section describes the attributes, applicable to DMR channels on AnyTone™ devices.
- callConfirm
If true, the call confirmation is enabled.
- sms
If true, the SMS reception is enabled.
- smsConfirm
If true, the SMS confirmation is enabled.
- dataACK
If true, the transmission of data acknowledgement is enabled.
- simplexTDMA
If true, TDMA mode for simplex channels is enabled. This mode is also known as DCDM (dual-capacity direct mode, see DCDM)
- adaptiveTDMA
If true, the adaptive TDMA mode is enabled. This makes only sense, if simplexTDMA is enabled too. In this case, the radio is able to receive both simplex TDMA as well as normal simplex DMR on the channel.
- loneWorker
If true, the lone-worker feature (see Lone Worker) is enabled for this channel. Usually not used in HAM radio.
- throughMode
If true, the through mode is enabled. What ever that means. If you know more about it, consider extending this section.
This extensions allows to specify some zone attributes for AnyTone™ devices.
The AnyTone™ zone extension is a mapping named anytone. It contains the device specific settings for that zone.
This extensions allows to specify some device specific settings for AnyTone™ devices. As there are a myriad of settings for these devices, the settings extension is split into several sub-extensions, grouping the settings by domain.
The AnyTone™ settings extension is a mapping named anytone. It contains the device specific settings for AnyTone devices.
General settings extension fields
- subChannel
If true, the sub-channel is enabled.
- selectedVFO
Specifies the currently selected VFO. Must be one of A or B, selecting VFO A and B, respectively.
- modeA, modeB
Specifies the VFO mode for VFOs A and B. Must be one of Memory or VFO. The former selects the memory/channel mode while the latter selects the VFO mode.
- zoneA, zoneB
Specifies the current zones for VFO A and B. Must be a reference to a zone.
- vfoScanType
Specifies scan-type for the VFO mode. Must be one of Time, Carrier or Stop. Default is Time. If Time is selected, the scan is stops for a specified period. If Carrier is selected, the scan stops as long as a carrier is detected. If Stop is selected, the scan stops entirely.
- minVFOScanFrequencyVHF, maxVFOScanFrequencyVHF, minVFOScanFrequencyUHF, maxVFOScanFrequencyUHF
Specifies the frequency ranges for the VFO scan in the VHF and UHF bands. These frequency can be specified arbitrarily. If a unit-less floating point value is given, it is interpreted as in MHz. If a unit-less integer value is given, it is interpreted as in Hz.
- keepLastCaller
If true, the last caller ID is kept even, when the channel is changed. Seriously, who needs that option? Just keep it or don't. Why is it so important? AnyTone codeplugs are full of these unnecessary settings.
- vfoStep
Specifies the VFO tuning step-size.
- steType, steFrequency, steDuration
Specifies the squelch-tail elimination type, frequency and duration. The type must be one of Off, Silent, Deg120, Deg180 or Deg240. The frequency is specified as a floating point number in Hz. The duration is specified in ms.
This option is applicable to AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II, AT-D578UV and DMR-6X2UV devices.
- tbstFrequency
Specifies TBST/pilot-tone frequency used to enable/open a repeater. This should be one of the common frequencies like 1000, 1450, 1750 and 2100 Hz.
This option is applicable to AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II, AT-D578UV and DMR-6X2UV devices.
- proMode
If true, enables the professional mode. If enabled, some menu options are hidden.
This option is applicable to AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II and DMR-6X2UV devices.
- maintainCallChannel
If true, maintains the call-channel. Whatever that now means. If you find it out, let it me know.
This option is applicable to AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II and DMR-6X2UV devices.
- bootSettings, powerSaveSettings, keySettings, toneSettings, displaySettings, audioSettings, menuSettings, autoRepeaterSettings, dmrSettings, roamingSettings, gpsSettings, simplexRepeaterSettings
Many more funny settings, grouped by domain. For details, see the descriptions below.
Collects some settings, that control the startup of the radio. These settings are collected under the bootSettings key within the anytoneSettings entry.
Boot settings extension fields
- bootDisplay
Specifies what is seen on the display during boot. Must be one of Default, CustomText or CustomImage.
- bootPasswordEnabled, bootPassword
Enables/disables and specifies the boot password. The boot password is a string of up to 8 number chars.
- defaultChannel, zoneA, channelA, zoneB, channelB
If true, defaultChannel enables the specified zones and channels to be set on startup. zoneA and zoneB specify the startup zone for VFOs A and B, respectively, and must reference a defined zone. While channelA and channelB specify the startup channels for each VFO. If no channels are defined, the VFO is chosen.
- priorityZoneA, priorityZoneB
Specifies the priority zones for each VFO. These must reference a defined zone.
- defaultRoamingZone
Specifies the startup roaming zone. Must refer to a defined roaming zone.
This option is applicable to AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II and AT-D578UV devices.
- gpsCheck
Enables the GPS check on boot.
This option is applicable to AT-D878UV and AT-D878UV II devices.
- reset
Enables a MCU reset on boot.
This option is applicable to AT-D878UV and AT-D878UV II devices.
Collects some settings, that configure the power-save features. These settings are collected under the powerSaveSettings key within the anytoneSettings entry.
Power-save setting extension fields
- autoShutdown
Specifies the time-out for the automatic shut down. If 0, the automatic shut-down is disabled.
- resetAutoShutdownOnCall
If true, the automatic showdown timer is reset on every call.
- powerSave
Specifies the power-save mode. Must be one of Off, Save50 or Save66. The latter two will save 50% or 66%, respectively.
- atpc
Enables the ATPC (Adaptive Transmission Power Control). It reduces the transmission power, if a strong signal is received.
Collects some settings, that configure the keypad, lock etc. These settings are collected under the keySettings key within the anytoneSettings entry.
This extension also allows to assign specific functions to the programmable function keys on the radio. These are the side-keys, top-key and the front buttons labeled P1 and P2. The following list shows all functions, that can be assigned to each of these buttons. Some function are not available on all devices.
Key functions
- Off
No function at all.
- Voltage
Shows the battery voltage. Applicable to AT-D868UV, AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II, AT-D578UV and DMR-6X2UV.
- Power
Toggles though the power settings. Applicable to AT-D868UV, AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II, AT-D578UV and DMR-6X2UV.
- Repeater
Toggles the talk-around feature. Applicable to AT-D868UV, AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II, AT-D578UV and DMR-6X2UV.
- Reverse
Swaps the RX and TX frequencies. Applicable to AT-D868UV, AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II, AT-D578UV and DMR-6X2UV.
- Encryption
Shows the encryption key selection. Applicable to AT-D868UV, AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II, AT-D578UV and DMR-6X2UV.
- Call
Performs an FM call with the configured DMTF/two-tone/five-tone ID. Applicable to AT-D868UV, AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II, AT-D578UV and DMR-6X2UV.
Shows the VOX level selection. Applicable to AT-D868UV, AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II and DMR-6X2UV.
- ToggleVFO
Toggles between VFO and memory/channel mode. Applicable to AT-D868UV, AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II, AT-D578UV.
- SubPTT
PTT for the sub channel. Only applicable for PF1, PF2 and PF3 keys. Applicable to AT-D868UV, AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II and DMR-6X2UV.
- Scan
Starts/stops a scan. Applicable to AT-D868UV, AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II, AT-D578UV and DMR-6X2UV.
Toggles the WFM (or Air band) receiver. Applicable to AT-D868UV, AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II, AT-D578UV and DMR-6X2UV.
- Alarm
Starts/stops an alarm call. Applicable to AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II, AT-D578UV and DMR-6X2UV.
- RecordSwitch
Enables/disables recoding function. Applicable to AT-D868UV, AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II, AT-D578UV and DMR-6X2UV.
- Record
Start/stops a recoding. Applicable to AT-D868UV, AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II, AT-D578UV and DMR-6X2UV.
Start writing an SMS. Applicable to AT-D868UV, AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II, AT-D578UV and DMR-6X2UV.
- Dial
Start manual dial. Applicable to AT-D868UV, AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II, AT-D578UV and DMR-6X2UV.
- GPSInformation
Applicable to AT-D868UV, AT-D578UV and DMR-6X2UV.
- Monitor
Enables the (FM) monitor. Applicable to AT-D868UV, AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II, AT-D578UV and DMR-6X2UV.
- ToggleMainChannel
Toggles between VFOs A and B for the main channel. Applicable to AT-D868UV, AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II, AT-D578UV and DMR-6X2UV.
- HotKey1, HotKey2, HotKey3, HotKey4, HotKey5, HotKey6
Triggers one of the programmed hot-key function. Applicable to AT-D868UV, AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II, AT-D578UV and DMR-6X2UV.
- WorkAlone
Toggles the lone-worker mode. Applicable to AT-D868UV, AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II, AT-D578UV and DMR-6X2UV.
- SkipChannel
During a scan, use this function to skip the current channel. Applicable to AT-D868UV, AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II, AT-D578UV and DMR-6X2UV.
- DigitalMonitor
Toggles the digital monitor. Applicable to AT-D868UV, AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II, AT-D578UV and DMR-6X2UV.
- SubChannel
Enables/disables the sub-channel. Applicable to AT-D868UV, AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II, AT-D578UV and DMR-6X2UV.
- PriorityZone
Change to the priority zone. Applicable to AT-D868UV, AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II, AT-D578UV and DMR-6X2UV.
- VFOScan
Toggles the VFO scan. Applicable to AT-D868UV, AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II, AT-D578UV and DMR-6X2UV.
- MICSoundQuality
Toggle “enhanced” sound mode in DMR mode. Applicable to AT-D868UV, AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II, AT-D578UV and DMR-6X2UV.
- LastCallReply
Allows to answer the last call, after the hang-time has passed. Applicable to AT-D868UVE, AT-D878UV, AT-D578UV and DMR-6X2UV.
- ChannelType
Change the channel type. Applicable to AT-D868UV, AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II, AT-D578UV and DMR-6X2UV.
- SimplexRepeater
Enables/disables the simplex repeater feature. Applicable to DMR-6X2UV.
- Ranging
Applicable to AT-D868UV, AT-D578UV and DMR-6X2UV
- Roaming
Manually starts roaming. Applicable to AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II, AT-D578UV and DMR-6X2UV.
- ChannelRanging
Applicable to AT-D868UV, AT-D578UV and DMR-6X2UV
- MaxVolume
Shows the maximum volume setting. Applicable to AT-D868UV, AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II, AT-D578UV and DMR-6X2UV.
- Slot
Changes the time-slot, AT-D868UV, AT-D878UV II, AT-D578UV and DMR-6X2UV.
- Squelch
Shows squelch settings. Applicable to AT-D578UV and DMR-6X2UV.
- APRSTypeSwitch
Applicable to AT-D578UV.
- Zone
Shows the zone selection dialog. Applicable to AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II, AT-D578UV and DMR-6X2UV.
- RoamingSet
Shows the roaming settings(?). Applicable to AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II and DMR-6X2UV.
- Mute
Mutes the radio for a specified interval. Applicable to AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II and DMR-6X2UV.
- MuteA, MuteB
Mutes the VFO A/B for a specified interval. Applicable to AT-D578UV.
- XBandRepeater
Enables the cross-band repeater function. Applicable to AT-D578UV.
- Speaker
Applicable to AT-D578UV.
- CtcssDcsSet
Shows the CTCSS/DCS settings for FM channels. Applicable to AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II and DMR-6X2UV.
- TBSTSend
Sends the TBST tone. Applicable to AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II, AT-D578UV.
- Bluetooth
Enables/disables bluetooth function. Applicable to AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II, AT-D578UV.
Enables/disables GPS. Applicable to AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II, AT-D578UV.
- ChannelName
Toggle channel name and frequency display. Applicable to AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II, AT-D578UV.
- CDTScan
Starts CTCSS/DCS scan for FM channel. Applicable to AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II, AT-D578UV.
- APRSSend
Transmits the positioning information. Applicable to AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II, AT-D578UV and DMR-6X2UV.
- APRSInfo
Shows received APRS information. Applicable to AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II, AT-D578UV and DMR-6X2UV.
- GPSRoaming
Applicable to AT-D578UV.
- NoiseReductionTX
Applicable to AT-D578UV.
The following list contains all keypad setting fields.
Keypad settings extension fields
- funcKey1Short, funcKey1Long, funcKey2Short, funcKey2Long, funcKey3Short, funcKey3Long, funcKey4Short, funcKey4Long, funcKey5Short, funcKey5Long, funcKey6Short, funcKey6Long
Specifies the functions associated with the function keys P1-P6 for a short and long press. Must be one of the items in the key function list above. The function keys 1-6 are labeled P1-P6 and are located either below or next to the display.
- funcKeyAShort, funcKeyALong
Specifies the function associated with the programmable function key PF1 or A. This button is located right below the PTT button (on handheld radios) or labeled A on the hand microphone (AT-D578UV).
- funcKeyBShort, funcKeyBLong
Specifies the function associated with the programmable function key PF2 or B. This button is the second one below the PTT button (on handheld radios) or labeled B on the hand microphone (AT-D578UV).
- funcKeyCShort, funcKeyCLong
Specifies the function associated with the programmable function key PF3 or C. THis button is the colorful one on the top (on handheld radios) or labeled C on the hand microphone (AT-D578UV).
- funcKeyDShort, funcKeyDLong
Specifies the function associated with the programmable function key D. This button is located on the hand microphone (AT-D578UV only).
- longPressDuration
Specifies the minimum duration of a “long press” on one of the programmable function keys.
- autoKeyLock
Enables/disables the automatic key lock.
- knobLock, keypadLock, sideKeysLock
Specifies, whether the knob, keypad and side-keys are locked, when the key-lock is enabled.
- forcedKeyLock
Don't use. Prevents the manual key-lock release. Only applicable to commercial applications.
Collects some settings, that configure signal tones. These settings are collected under the toneSettings key within the anytoneSettings entry.
Tone settings extension fields
- keyTone
Enables the key-pad tones. Should be disabled.
- keyToneLevel
Specifies the key-tone level, 0 means user adjustable.
- smsAlert
Enables the SMS alert tone.
- callAlert
Enables the call alert tone. See also callMelody.
- dmrTalkPermit, fmTalkPermit
Enables the DMR talk permit tone.
- dmrReset
Enables the DMR reset tone. See also resetMelody.
- dmrIdle, fmIdle
Enables the idle tone (for DMR and FM channels). See also idleMelody.
- startup
Enables a startup tone.
- tot
Transmit time-out warning tone.
- callMelody, idleMelody, resetMelody, callEndMelody
Specifies the melody played on each of these occasions. These melodies can contain up to 5 notes (and pauses). For the sake of simplicity, qdmr supports the LilyPond musical notation for these melodies. E.g.,
a8 b e2 des4 d
Collects all display settings. These settings are collected under the displaySettings key within the anytoneSettings entry.
Display settings extension fields
- displayFrequency
If true, the channel frequency is shown instead of the channel name.
- brightness
Specifies the brightness of the backlight in a range 1-10.
- backlightDuration, backlightDurationRX, backlightDurationTX
Specifies the backlight duration.
- customChannelBackground
If true, the custom channel background is enabled.
- volumeChangePrompt, callEndPrompt
If true the volume change and call-end prompts are shown.
- showClock, showCall, showContact, showChannelNumber, showColorCode, showTimeSlot, showChannelType, showLastHeard
Enables/disables various display elements.
- lastCallerDisplay
Specifies how the last caller is shown. Must be one of Off, ID, Call or Both
- callColor
Specifies the call color. Must be one of White, Black, Orange, Red, Yellow, Green, Turquoise, Blue. Please note, that not all devices allow for all colors. Especially the AT-D868UV has only limited colors.
- standbyTextColor, standbyBackgroundColor
Specifies the text or background color in stand-by. Must be one of White, Black, Orange, Red, Yellow, Green, Turquoise, Blue. Please note, that not all devices allow for all colors. Applicable to AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II, AT-D578UV and DMR-6X2UV.
- channelNameColor, channelBNameColor
Specifies the color of the channel name. Must be one of White, Black, Orange, Red, Yellow, Green, Turquoise, Blue. Please note, that not all devices allow for all colors. Applicable to AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II and AT-D578UV.
- zoneNameColor, zoneBNameColor
Specifies the color of the channel name. Must be one of White, Black, Orange, Red, Yellow, Green, Turquoise, Blue. Please note, that not all devices allow for all colors. Applicable to AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II and AT-D578UV.
- language
Specifies the UI language. Must be one of English or German. Applicable to AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II, AT-D578UV and DMR-6X2UV.
- dateFormat
Specifies the date format. Must be one of YearFirst (i.e., yyyy/mm/dd) or DayFirst (i.e., dd/mm/yyyy). Obviously, they got everything covered.
This entry collects all audio-related settings. These settings are collected under the audioSettings key within the anytoneSettings entry.
Audio settings extension fields
- voxDelay
An interval specifying the delay to activate the VOX. Stored in ms resolution.
- voxSource
Specifies the source for the VOX. Must be one of Internal, External or Both.
- recording
If true, recording is enabled.
- enhance
If true, enabled some TX audio enhancement. I don't know what it does nor if it is reasonable to enable.
- muteDelay
Specifies some muting delay in minutes.
- maxVolume, maxHeadPhoneVolume
Specifies the maximum speaker and headphone volume.
- enableFMMicGain, fmMicGain
Enables and sets a separate microphone gain for FM. If disabled, the global mic gain is used for both, DMR and FM.
This entry collects all menu-related settings (there aren't many). These settings are collected under the menuSettings key within the anytoneSettings entry.
Menu settings extension fields
- duration
Specifies the duration, the menu is shown.
- separator
If true, the menu items are separated by a line. Again WTF AnyTone? Why the hack is an option needed for this? For me, this is just another useless option to check on every firmware update.
The auto-repeater settings of anytone-devices is quiet complex. It allows to specify rules, in which frequency ranges some auto-repeater settings are applied referencing a particular offset for that rule. These offsets are specified within a separate list of frequency offsets.
These settings are needlessly complicated. It would be sufficient to specify a range and offset. AnyTone, however, decided that this would be way to simple and user friendly. However, fitting their concept into qdmr's concept of references to objects, makes it even worse. You will see.
The auto-repeater settings are specified within the autoRepeaterSettings item within the anytoneSettings item.
Auto-repeater extension fields
- directionA, directionB
Specifies the direction of the repeater offset for VFO A and B. I have absolutely no clue, why this depends on the VFO and not on the BAND (VHF/UHF) or even per offset. Only the wise people at AnyTone will know the answer.
However, must be one of Off, Positive or Negative.
- vhfMin, vhfMax, uhfMin, uhfMax, vhf2Min, vhf2Max, uhf2Min, uhf2Max
Specifies the VHF and UHF frequency range for which the auto-repeater feature is defined. These can be any frequencies by the way.
The vhf2 and uhf2 variants are only present for AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II and AT-D578UV radios and allow for a second pair of frequency ranges with a different offset.
- vhf, uhf, vhf2, uhf2
References the offset for the VHF and UHF frequency range specified above. This must be a reference to one of the auto-repeater offsets defined below.
The vhf2 and uhf2 references are only present for AT-D878UV, AT-D878UV II and AT-D578UV radios and allow for a different offset.
- offset
A list of auto-repeater offsets. As qdmr only allows references to named objects, they must be relatively complex. Each entry has an ID (to reference the offset), name (because qdmr objects have names) and the actual offset frequency. See below for a description of these elements.
As mentioned above, qdmr requires any object referenced within the codeplug to be a proper object. That is with an ID and name. This makes sense, as almost all referenced elements within the codeplug are complex objects and have a display name. However, AnyTone decided to reference a mere offset frequency. Consequently, you have to give names to them in qdmr. Sorry.
The below you find a list with the properties of the offset frequencies.
Offset frequency fields
- id
Specifies the unique ID of the offset frequency. Used to reference it.
- name
Specifies the name of the offset frequency. Any string is valid and not needed. However, references are shown in qdmr with their name. So don't keep that field empty.
- offset
Specifies the actual frequency offset.
Example 4.15. An example for two auto-repeater frequency ranges active only on VFO A.
anytoneSettings: # ... autoRepeaterSettings: directionA: Negative # <- Only on VFO A. Because. directionB: Off # VHF range vhfMin: 145.569 MHz vhfMax: 145.794 MHz vhf: offsetVHF # UHF range uhfMin: 438.55 MHz uhfMax: 439.4375 MHz uhf: offsetUHF # Some generic but disabled ranges. vhf2Min: 136 MHz vhf2Max: 174 MHz vhf2: ~ uhf2Min: 400 MHz uhf2Max: 480 MHz uhf2: ~ # The offsets offset: - id: offsetVHF name: VHF offset: 600 kHz - id: offsetUHF name: UHF offset: 7.6 Mhz # ...
Some DMR related settings. Some of these should not be touched.
- groupCallHangTime, privateCallHangTime, manualGroupCallHangTime, manualPrivateCallHangTime
Specifies the group and private call hang time. That is, the time, within you could answer a call by pressing the PTT, even if the group or private call is not the default transmit contact of the channel.
- preWaveDelay, wakeHeadPeriod
Don't touch. Should both be 100ms.
- filterOwnID
If true, your own ID is not shown in the call lists.
- smsFormat
Specifies the SMS format. Must be one of Motorola, Hytera, DMR.
- monitorSlotMatch
Specifies if and how the DMR monitor will match the time slot of the current channel. Must be one of Off, Single, Both.
- monitorColorCodeMatch
If true, the DMR monitor will match the color code of the current channel.
- monitorIDMatch
If true, the DMR monitor will match the DMR IDs to the group list of the current channel.
- monitorTimeSlotHold
If true, the DMR monitor will hold the time slot first received on.
- sendTalkerAlias
If enabled, sends the radio name as talker alias over the air.
- takerAliasSource
Specifies the source for the talker alias display. Must be one of Off, UserDB or Air.
- talkerAliasEncoding
Specifies the encoding of the taker alias. Must be one of ISO8, ISO7 or Unicode.
This section collects settings concerning GPS position reporting. These settings are collected under the gpsSettings key within the anytoneSettings entry.
- units
Specifies the unit system to use for distance reporting (ranging). This must be one of Metric or Archaic. This software was developed by a European, so don't mail me to tell me, that I am silly.
- timeZone
Specifies the time-zone for the device. Any IANA time-zone ID is valid here. E.g.,
. - reportPosition
If true, GPS position reporting is enabled.
- updatePeriod
Specifies the update/reporting interval in seconds. Any interval specification is valid here. E.g.,
5 min
or360 s
. - mode
Specifies the GPS mode. Must be one of GPS, Beidou, GPS_Beidou, Glonass, GPS_Glonass, Beidou_Glonass or All.
This section collects settings concerning the roaming. These settings are collected under the roamingSettings key within the anytoneSettings entry.
- autoRoam
If true, the auto-roaming is enabled. If false, the roaming must be started manually.
- autoRoamPeriod
Specifies the auto-roaming period in minutes. Any interval specification is valid here. E.g.,
30 min
or1 h
. - autoRoamDelay
Specifies some additional delay in seconds before the auto-roaming is started. Any interval specification is valid here like
60 s
or1 min
. - roamStart,roamReturn
Specifies the roaming start/end condition. Must be one of Periodic or OutOfRange.
- rangeCheck
If true, the periodic range check is enabled.
- checkInterval
Specifies the range check period in seconds. Any interval specification is valid here. E.g.,
3 min
or180 s
. - retryCount
Number of retries to connect to a repeater before giving up and starting the roaming.
- outOfRangeAlert
Specifies the alert type for the out-of-range notification. Must be one of Off, Bell or Voice
- notification
If true, the repeater check notification is enabled.
- notificationCount
The number of repeater check notifications.
- defaultZone
Specifies the default roaming zone. Must be a roaming zone ID or null.
- gpsRoaming
If true, GPS based roaming is enabled.
This section collects settings concerning bluetooth feature. These settings are collected under the bluetoothSettings key within the anytoneSettings entry.
- pttLatch
If true, the bluetooth PTT button latches.
- pttSleepTimer
Specifies the timeout for the sleep mode of the bluetooth PTT button.
Collects all settings related to the DMR-6X2UV simplex-repeater feature. These settings are collected under the simplexRepeaterSettings key within the anytoneSettings entry. This extension is only relevant for the DMR-6X2UV series.
- enabled
If true, the simplex repeater function is enabled.
- monitor
If true, the traffic can be monitored on the speaker.
- timeSlot
Specifies the time-slot of the repeater. This must be one of TS1, TS2 or Channel. The latter implies, that the repeater uses the time-slot of the channel.
This extensions allows to specify some additional settings for the FM APRS System. As AnyTone devices allow only for one FM APRS system, these settings can be considered radio wide.
Example 4.16.
positioning: ... - aprs: ... anytone: txDelay: 60 ms preWaveDelay: 0 passAll: false reportPosition: false reportMicE: false reportObject: false reportItem: false reportMessage: false reportWeather: false reportNMEA: false reportStatus: false reportOther: false frequencies: - id: af1 name: APRS US frequency: 144.39 MHz
The AnyTone™ FM APRS extension is a mapping named anytone. It contains the device specific settings for that FM APRS system. AnyTone devices only allow for a single FM APRS system.
FM APRS system extension fields
- txDelay
A delay before the start of the transmission. Specified with a resolution of 20ms. The default value is 60ms.
- preWaveDelay
A delay between the start of the carrier and the actual APRS transmission. Default 0ms.
- passAll
Basically disables the CRC check on received APRS messages.
- reportPositionreportMicEreportObject reportItemreportMessagereportWeather reportNMEAreportStatusreportOther
A bunch of flags indicating what is being reported (?!?).
- frequencies
While AnyTone only allows for a single set of parameters for the FM APRS transmission and reception, it allows for several frequencies. The default frequency is specified by the revert channel of the FM APRS system.
Seven additional frequencies might be specified through this list. Each entry is a mapping, specifying a unique ID for the frequency, a name and the actual frequency. The id can then be used to reference this FM APRS frequency in the AnyTone channel extension.