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Chapter 4. Device specific extensions

The sole reason for introducing a new YAML based codeplug format was the ability to extend the file format with device specific settings without breaking the format. This was simply impossible with the old table based text files.

The present YAML based codeplug file format is extensible at almost any level. That is, device specific elements can be added to single codeplug elements like channels, zones or contacts but also to the codeplug itself. The latter allows to extend the codeplug with new elements.

OpenGD77 Codeplug Extensions

This chapter documents the extensions and settings specific to radios running the OpenGD77 firmware.


The OpenGD77 codeplug is a specialization of the GD77 codeplug. Consequently all extensions described in the section called “Radioddity™ Codeplug Extensions” are also applicable to the OpenGD77 codeplug.

Channel extension

This extension allows to specify some channel settings specific for devices running the OpenGD77 firmware. This extension can be added to any channel, analog and digital. For now, this extension only allows to specify the power for the channel in more detail.

Example 4.1. 

  - digital:
      id: ch1
      name: Example channel 
      # all the other channel settings
        power: P750mW 

The OpenGD77 channel extension is a mapping named openGD77. It contains the device specific settings for that channel.

Channel attributes

For now, there are only few attributes specifying more detailed power settings and scan behavior for the channel.

Channel extension fields


Specifies the detailed power settings for the channel. This is one of the following strings Global, P50mW, P250mW, P500mW, P750mW, P1W, P2W, P3W, P4W, , P5W, Max. Where Global implies that the global power settings is used and Max the maximal possible power is used (usually 7W on VHF and 5.5W on UHF). This power setting overrides the common channel power setting. See the section called “Channels”.

scanZoneSkip scanAllSkip

In contrast to the original GD-77 firmware, OpenGD77 does not implement scanning by scan lists. Instead, either all channels defined in the radio or all channels within the current zone can be scanned. To exclude some channels from these scans, the scanZoneSkip and scanAllSkip flags can be used. When enabled, the channel will be excluded from the respective scan.

DMR contact extension

This extensions allows to specify some DMR contact attributes for devices running the OpenGD77 firmware. This extension is only applicable to DMR (digital) contacts.

Example 4.2. 

  - dmr:
    name: Example contact 
    number: 1234567
      timeSlotOverride: TS1

The OpenGD77 contact extension is a mapping named openGD77. It contains the device specific settings for that DMR contact.

Contact attributes

For now, there is only one attribute allowing to override the time slot of a channel whenever this contact is selected as the destination contact for that channel.

Channel extension fields


OpenGD77 allows to override the time slot settings for each channel on the bases of the selected transmit contact. If the contact has a time slot override set, this time slot is used instead of the channel time slot. This attribute is either None, TS1 or TS2. If None is set, the channel time slot will not be overridden.