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Chapter 7. The dmrconf command line tool

Beside the graphical user interface provided by qdmr (see Chapter 2, The Graphical User Interface), there is also a command line tool allowing to read/write codeplugs from and to the radios. It is based on the same library called libdmrconf and thus provides the same features like qdmr.

This chapter will briefly describe the command line tool and how it can be used to handle codeplugs from the command line.

The command line tool might be helpful in cases, where the codeplug file (see Chapter 3, Extensible Codeplug File Format) gets assembled by a script. Then the same script may upload the codeplug to the radio using the command line tool.

Additionally to the the features of the GUI (see Chapter 2, The Graphical User Interface), the command line tool provides some features to analyze the memory representation of the binary codeplugs as well as debugging their implementation.

Reading and writing codeplugs

The major feature of the command line tool is certainly the ability to read and write codeplugs from and to the device. The majority of the action happens automatically. Like the detection of the radio. If something goes wrong, an error message will be written to stderr. A more detailed logging can be enabled by passing the --verbose flag.

Reading a codeplug

To read a codeplug, the read command is used. The codeplug can be stored in several formats. The human readable extensible codeplug format (YAML) and as a binary memory dump of the codeplug memory on the device. dmrconf detects the format based on the file extension or by means of an additional flag. The latter is particularly important if the read codeplug should be written to stdout for piping it to another program for further processing.

dmrconf read codeplug.yaml

Will simply read the codeplug from the detected device and stores it in the extensible codeplug format in the file codeplug.yaml. The format was detected by the file extension yaml which refers to the extensible codeplug format using YAML.

To store the memory dump of the codeplug memory of the radio, the file extension should be dfu.

As mentioned above, it is also possible to dump the decoded codeplug to stdout allowing to pipe the codeplug into another program for processing. This can be done by omitting the output filename. Then, however, the output format is not specified anymore. In this case, one the explicit format flags --yaml or --bin must be used to specify in which format the codeplug should be written. These flags can also be used to store a codeplug in a particular format in arbitrarily named files.

dmrconf read --yaml | python

This example reads the codeplug from the connected device and decodes it. The decoded codeplug is then piped to the python script

Decoding binary codeplugs

It is also possible decode binary codeplugs that has been read from the device earlier and stored as a memory dump (i.e., in a dfu file). This step is actually the second step automatically performed during reading. When reading a codeplug, in a first step the memory dump of the codeplug is read from the device. In a second step, the read binary codeplug is then decoded and dumped in a human readable format.

The decode command performs that second step. To do that, it needs two additional information: The radio type, from which this codeplug was read and the format to write the decoded format to. Like for the read command, the latter can be passed by the output filename extension or via an additional flag.

dmrconf read codeplug.dfu
dmrconf decode --radio=uv390 codeplug.dfu codeplug.yaml

This example performs the same actions like a simple read command (assuming a TyT MD-UV390 is connected). It first downloads the binary codeplug. This time, the memory dump is stored in a binary form (dfu file). The second command then decodes the binary codeplug into the extensible codeplug format (yaml file), assuming that the binary codeplug stems from a TyT MD-UV390.

Since version 0.8.1, it is now also possible to decode some manufacturer binary codeplug files as they are produced by the manufacturer CPS. To signal the decode command to treat the file as a manufacturer CPS file, you need to pass the -m or --manufacturer and the --radio option. The latter tells the decode command the format of the file. That is, the call

dmrconf decode -m --radio=uv390 manufacturer_cps_file.rdt codeplug.yaml

Will decode the manufacturer CPS file manufacturer_cps_file.rdt assuming it is a file generated by the CPS for the TyT MD-UV390. Like for the normal decoding the output format must be specified either by file extension or flag.

Debugging the codplug decoding

Under normal circumstances, it makes no sense to first read the binary codeplug from the device and then decoding it in a separate step as the read command will do that for you.

However, if there is a bug in dmrconf that gets triggered by your codeplug on the device, the binary codeplug is an invaluable resource for debugging the application. Consider filing an issue at the bug tracker and include the binary codeplug as an attachment.

If you like, you can also send me your codeplug directly. I'll keep it confidentially.

Writing a codeplug

To write a codeplug into the device, the write command is used. The codeplug can be read from several formats. The extensible codeplug format (yaml file) as well as the old table based format (conf file). It is not possible to write binary codeplugs without decoding them first. Like for the read command, dmrconf will detect the format based on the file extension or by passed flags.

dmrconf write codeplug.yaml

This example will write the codeplug stored in the extensible codeplug format in codeplug.yaml to the connected device. Before writing the codeplug to the device, the connected device gets detected and the codeplug gets verified.

If the verification step fails, one or more error messages are written to stderr describing the issue with the codeplug. One verification step is the check whether all channel frequencies are within the frequency limits specified by the manufacturer. The latter check can be disabled using the --ignore-frequency-limits flag.

There are also some flags controlling the assembly of the binary codeplug. When the --init-codeplug flag is set, the codeplug will be generated from scratch using default values for all options not explicitly specified in the codeplug file. This might be used to initialize a brand new radio. However, any changes made to the radio are lost.

When this option is not set, the codeplug gets encoded and written in a two-step process. First the current binary codeplug is downloaded from the radio. Then the codeplug file is used to update the binary codeplug. The result is then written back to the device. This ensures that all settings made in the radio are kept, unless they are explicitly set in the codeplug file.

The --auto-enable-gps and --auto-enable-roaming flags will tell dmrconf to enable the GPS or roaming feature whenever any of the programmed channels use the GPS or a roaming zone. (This depends also on the ability of the radio.)

Verify a codeplug

The aforementioned verification of the codeplug file can also be performed separately using the verify. This command also needs to know against which radio the codeplug should be verified. The radio must be specified using the --radio option.

dmrconf verify --radio=d878uv codeplug.yaml

This command will verify the codeplug stored in codeplug.yaml in the extensible codeplug format against an AnyTone AT-D878UV. Like for the write, any issues are written to stderr.

Like for the write command, the verification can be altered using the --ignore-frequency-limits flag.

Encoding codeplugs

Is is also possible to perform the encoding step of the codeplug separately. This can be done with the encode command. Like for the verify command, the encode command also needs the radio for which the codeplug should be encoded. The input format of the codeplug is again specified by either the file extension of the codeplug file or by flags.

dmrconf encode --radio=opengd77 codeplug.yaml codeplug.dfu

This call will encode the codeplug codeplug.yaml specified in the extensible codeplug format for a radio running the OpenGD77 firmware and stores the resulting binary codeplug in codeplug.dfu.

Like for the write command, the encoding can be controlled using the --auto-enable-gps and --auto-enable-roaming flags.