CAddressMap | This class represents a memory map |
CAddressMap::AddrMapItem | Memory map item |
►CAnytoneFileReader | This class implements a reader of AnyTone codeplug files |
►CD868UVFileReader | Reads manufacturer CPS files |
CD878UVFileReader | Implements a file read for the AnyTone D878UV manufacturer CPS file |
CDMR6X2UVCodeplug::BackgroundColor | Background colors supported by the DMR-6X2UV |
►CBitmapElement | |
CD578UVCodeplug::AirBandBitmapElement | Represents the bitmap indicating which channels are valid and which are included in the air-band scan |
CCodeplug::Element::Offset::BitOffset | Some type to specify a bit offset |
►CChirpFormat | Some common constants for the CIRP reader/writer |
CChirpReader | Implements the CHIRP CSV reader |
CChirpWriter | Implements the chirp writer |
CDR1801UVInterface::CodeplugWriteResponse | Response to a codeplug write |
CD868UVCodeplug::Color | Colors supported by the D868UVE |
CDMR6X2UVCodeplug::Color | Colors supported by the DMR-6X2UV |
COpenGD77Interface::CommandRequest | Represents a command message |
CConfigCopy | Just a name space to hold the copy function |
CConfigMerge | Just a namespace to provide merging functions |
CCodeplug::Context | Base class for all codeplug contexts |
CConfigItem::Context | Parse context for config objects |
CYAML::convert< Frequency > | Implements the conversion to and from YAML::Node |
CYAML::convert< Interval > | Implements the conversion to and from YAML::Node |
CCRC32 | Implements the CRC32 checksum as used in DFU files |
CD868UVCodeplug::CTCSS | Implements encoding of CTCSS tones |
CDM1701FileReader | Methods to read manufacturer codeplug files |
CDR1801UVFileReader | Methods to read manufacturer codeplug files |
CDummyFileReader | Just a class implementing the filereader "interface" that fails |
►CAnytoneFileReader::Element | Base class for all elements in the codeplug file |
CD868UVFileReader::AnalogContactElement | Represents an analog contact within the manufacturer CPS file |
CD868UVFileReader::ChannelElement | Representsa a channel encoded in the manufacturer CPS file |
CD868UVFileReader::RadioIDElement | Decodes a radio ID from the manufacturer CPS file |
CD868UVFileReader::ScanListElement | Represents a scan list in the manufacturer CPS file |
CD868UVFileReader::ZoneElement | Represents a zone within the manufacturer CPS file |
►CCodeplug::Element | Represents the abstract base class of all codeplug elements |
CAnytoneCodeplug::AlarmSettingElement | Represents the base class of alarm setting entry for all AnyTone codeplugs |
CAnytoneCodeplug::AlarmSettingElement::AnalogAlarm | Represents the base class of an analog alarm setting for all AnyTone codeplugs |
CAnytoneCodeplug::AlarmSettingElement::DigitalAlarm | Represents the base class of an digital alarm setting for all AnyTone codeplugs |
CAnytoneCodeplug::AnalogQuickCallElement | Represents base class of a analog quick call entry for all AnyTone codeplugs |
CAnytoneCodeplug::AnalogQuickCallsElement | Implements the list of analog quick-call settings for all AnyTone codeplugs |
►CAnytoneCodeplug::BitmapElement | Represents the base class for bitmaps in all AnyTone codeplugs |
CAnytoneCodeplug::ChannelBitmapElement | Represents the channel bitmaps in all AnyTone codeplugs |
CAnytoneCodeplug::FiveToneIDBitmapElement | Represents the bitmap indicating which five-tone IDs are valid |
CAnytoneCodeplug::GroupListBitmapElement | Represents the bitmap indicating which group list element is valid |
CAnytoneCodeplug::RadioIDBitmapElement | Represents the bitmap indicating which radio IDs are valid |
CAnytoneCodeplug::ScanListBitmapElement | Represents the bitmap indicating which scanlist elements are valid |
CAnytoneCodeplug::StatusMessageBitmapElement | Represents the bitmap, indicating which status messages are valid |
CAnytoneCodeplug::TwoToneFunctionBitmapElement | Rerpesents the two-tone function bitmap, indicating which two-tone functions are valid |
CAnytoneCodeplug::TwoToneIDBitmapElement | Represents the two-tone ID bitmap, indicating the which two-tone IDs are valid |
CAnytoneCodeplug::WFMChannelBitmapElement | Represents the bitmap, indicating which WFM (FM broadcast) channels are valid |
CAnytoneCodeplug::ZoneBitmapElement | Represents the bitmap indcating which zones are valid |
CD878UVCodeplug::HiddenZoneBitmapElement | Encodes the bitmap, indicating which zone is hidden |
CD878UVCodeplug::RoamingChannelBitmapElement | Represents the bitmap, indicating which roaming channel is valid |
CD878UVCodeplug::RoamingZoneBitmapElement | Represents the bitmap, indicating which roaming zone is valid |
CAnytoneCodeplug::BootSettingsElement | Represents the base class of the boot settings for all AnyTone codeplug |
►CAnytoneCodeplug::ChannelElement | Represents the base class for channel encodings in all AnyTone codeplugs |
►CD868UVCodeplug::ChannelElement | Represents the channel element for AnyTone D868UV devices |
►CD878UVCodeplug::ChannelElement | Represents the actual channel encoded within the binary D878UV codeplug |
CD578UVCodeplug::ChannelElement | Represents the actual channel encoded within the binary code-plug |
CDMR6X2UVCodeplug::ChannelElement | Implements the channel element for the BTECH DMR-6X2UV |
CAnytoneCodeplug::ContactElement | Represents the base class for conacts in all AnyTone codeplugs |
CAnytoneCodeplug::ContactMapElement | Represents the base class for entries to the contact indices in all AnyTone codeplugs |
CAnytoneCodeplug::DMRAPRSMessageElement | Represents the base class of a DMR APRS message for all AnyTone codeplugs |
CAnytoneCodeplug::DMRAPRSSettingsElement | Represents the base class of DMR APRS settings for all AnyTone codeplugs |
CAnytoneCodeplug::DMREncryptionKeyIDListElement | Represents a list of DMR encryption key IDs |
CAnytoneCodeplug::DMREncryptionKeyListElement | Represents a list of DMR encryption keys |
CAnytoneCodeplug::DTMFContactElement | Represents the base class for analog (DTMF) contacts in all AnyTone codeplugs |
CAnytoneCodeplug::DTMFIDListElement | Represents a list of DTMF IDs to be send |
CAnytoneCodeplug::DTMFSettingsElement | Represents the base class of DTMF settings for all AnyTone codeplugs |
CAnytoneCodeplug::DigitalAlarmExtensionElement | Represents the base class of digital alarm setting extension for all AnyTone codeplugs |
►CAnytoneCodeplug::ExtendedSettingsElement | Represents the base class for the extended settings element in many AnyTone codeplugs |
CD878UVCodeplug::ExtendedSettingsElement | General settings extension element for the D878UV |
CDMR6X2UVCodeplug::ExtendedSettingsElement | Implements some settings extension for the BTECH DMR-6X2UV |
CAnytoneCodeplug::FiveToneFunctionElement | Represents the base-class for 5Tone function for all AnyTone codeplugs |
CAnytoneCodeplug::FiveToneFunctionListElement | Represents the list of five-tone functions for all AnyTone codeplugs |
CAnytoneCodeplug::FiveToneIDElement | Represents the base-class for 5Tone IDs for all AnyTone codeplugs |
CAnytoneCodeplug::FiveToneIDListElement | Represents the list of five-tone IDs |
CAnytoneCodeplug::FiveToneSettingsElement | Represents the base-class for 5Tone settings for all AnyTone codeplugs |
►CAnytoneCodeplug::GeneralSettingsElement | Represents the base class for the settings elements in all AnyTone codeplugs |
CD578UVCodeplug::GeneralSettingsElement | Represents the general config of the radio within the D578UV binary codeplug |
►CD868UVCodeplug::GeneralSettingsElement | Represents the general config of the radio within the D868UV binary codeplug |
CD878UVCodeplug::GeneralSettingsElement | Represents the general config of the radio within the D878UV binary codeplug |
CDMR6X2UVCodeplug::GeneralSettingsElement | General settings element for the DMR-6X2UV |
CAnytoneCodeplug::GroupListElement | Represents the base class for group lists in all AnyTone codeplugs |
CAnytoneCodeplug::HotKeyElement | Represents the base class of a hot-key setting entry for all AnyTone codeplugs |
►CAnytoneCodeplug::HotKeySettingsElement | Represents the list of hot-key settings for all AnyTone codeplugs |
CD578UVCodeplug::HotKeySettingsElement | Represents the hot-key settings of the radio within the D578UV binary codeplug |
►CAnytoneCodeplug::InvertedBitmapElement | Represents the base class for inverted bitmaps in all AnyTone codeplugs |
CAnytoneCodeplug::ContactBitmapElement | Represents the contact bitmaps in all AnyTone codeplugs |
►CAnytoneCodeplug::InvertedBytemapElement | Represents the base class for inverted bytemaps in all AnyTone codeplugs |
CAnytoneCodeplug::DTMFContactBytemapElement | Represents the DTMF contact byte map, indicating which contacts are valid |
CAnytoneCodeplug::MessageBytemapElement | Represents the bytemap indicating which message is valid |
CAnytoneCodeplug::MessageElement | Represents base class of a preset message for all AnyTone codeplugs |
CAnytoneCodeplug::MessageListElement | Represents the base class of prefabricated message linked list for all AnyTone codeplugs |
CAnytoneCodeplug::RadioIDElement | Represents the base class for radio IDs in all AnyTone codeplugs |
CAnytoneCodeplug::RepeaterOffsetListElement | Represents the table of repeater offset frequencies |
CAnytoneCodeplug::ScanListElement | Represents the base class for scan lists in all AnyTone codeplugs |
CAnytoneCodeplug::StatusMessagesElement | Implements the list of status messages for all AnyTone codeplugs |
CAnytoneCodeplug::TwoToneFunctionElement | Represents the base-class for a 2-tone function for all AnyTone codeplugs |
CAnytoneCodeplug::TwoToneIDElement | Represents the base-class for a 2-tone ID for all AnyTone codeplugs |
CAnytoneCodeplug::TwoToneSettingsElement | Represents the base class of 2-tone settings for all AnyTone codeplugs |
CAnytoneCodeplug::WFMChannelListElement | Represents a list of 100 FM broad cast channels |
CAnytoneCodeplug::WFMVFOElement | Represents the WFM (FM broadcast) VFO frquency |
CAnytoneCodeplug::ZoneChannelListElement | Represents the base class for zone channel list for all AnyTone codeplugs |
CD868UVCallsignDB::EntryBankElement | Represents a bank of call-sign DB entries |
CD868UVCallsignDB::EntryElement | Represents the header of an entry in the callsign database |
CD868UVCallsignDB::IndexBankElement | Represents a bank of index entries |
CD868UVCallsignDB::LimitsElement | Stores some basic limits of the callsign db |
CD878UVCodeplug::AESEncryptionKeyElement | Represents an AES encryption key |
CD878UVCodeplug::APRSSettingsElement | Represents the APRS settings within the binary D878UV codeplug |
CD878UVCodeplug::AnalogAPRSMessageElement | Represents an (analog/FM) APRS message |
CD878UVCodeplug::AnalogAPRSRXEntryElement | Represents an analog APRS RX entry |
CD878UVCodeplug::FMAPRSFrequencyNamesElement | Implements some storage to hold the names for the FM APRS frequencies |
CD878UVCodeplug::RadioInfoElement | Encodes some information about the radio and firmware |
CD878UVCodeplug::RoamingChannelElement | Implements the binary representation of a roaming channel within the codeplug |
CD878UVCodeplug::RoamingZoneElement | Represents a roaming zone within the binary codeplug |
CDM1701Codeplug::ZoneExtElement | Extended zone data for the DM-1701 |
CDMR6X2UVCodeplug::APRSSettingsElement | Represents the APRS settings within the binary DMR-6X2UV codeplug |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::AlarmSystemBankElement | Implements the binary encoding of the alarm system bank |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::AlarmSystemElement | Implements the binary encoding of the alarm system |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::ChannelBankElement | Implements the binary encoding of the channel bank |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::ChannelElement | Implements the binary encoding of the channels settings |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::ContactBankElement | Implements the binary encoding of the contact bank |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::ContactElement | Implements the binary encoding of a contact |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::DMRSettingsElement | Implements the binary encoding of the DMR settings |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::DTMFIDBankElement | Implements the DTMF ID bank |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::DTMFIDElement | Implements the DTMF ID |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::DTMFSettingsElement | Implements the binary encoding of the DTMF signaling settings |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::DTMFSystemBankElement | Implements the DTMF systems bank |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::DTMFSystemElement | Implements the DTMF system |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::EncryptionKeyBankElement | Implements the binary encoding of the encryption keys |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::EncryptionKeyElement | Implements the binary encoding of an encryption key |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::GroupListBankElement | Implements the binary encoding of the group-list bank |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::GroupListElement | Implements the binary encoding of a group list |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::KeySettingsElement | Implements the binary encoding of the key settings |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::MessageBankElement | Implements the binary encoding of the preset message bank element |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::MessageElement | Implements the binary representation of a single message |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::OneTouchSettingElement | Implements the binary encoding of a one-touch setting |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::OneTouchSettingsElement | Implements the binary encoding of the one-touch settings |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::PTTIDBankElement | Implements the encoding of the DTMF PTT IDs |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::PTTIDElement | Implements the PTT ID |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::ScanListBankElement | Implements the binary encoding of the scan-list bank |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::ScanListElement | Implements the binary encoding of a scan list element |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::SettingsElement | Implements the binary encoding of the settings element |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::VFOBankElement | Implements the binary encoding of the VFO settings |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::ZoneBankElement | Implements the binary encoding of the zone bank |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::ZoneElement | Implements the binary encoding of a zone |
CGD73Codeplug::ChannelBankElement | Implements the bank of channels within the binary codeplug |
CGD73Codeplug::ChannelElement | Implements an FM/DMR channel |
CGD73Codeplug::ContactBankElement | Implements the contact bank within the codeplug |
CGD73Codeplug::ContactElement | Implements the contact element |
CGD73Codeplug::DMRSettingsElement | Implements the DMR settings element |
CGD73Codeplug::DTMFNumberBankElement | Implements the bank of 16 DTMF numbers |
CGD73Codeplug::DTMFNumberElement | Implements a single DTMF number |
CGD73Codeplug::DTMFPTTSettingBankElement | Implements the bank of 32 DTMF PTT settings |
CGD73Codeplug::DTMFPTTSettingElement | Implements a single DTMF PTT setting |
CGD73Codeplug::DTMFSystemBankElement | Implements the bank of 4 DTMF systems |
CGD73Codeplug::DTMFSystemElement | Implements a single DTMF system |
CGD73Codeplug::EncryptionKeyBankElement | Implements the encryption key-bank |
CGD73Codeplug::EncryptionKeyElement | Implements the encryption key element |
CGD73Codeplug::GroupListBankElement | Encodes the bank of group lists |
CGD73Codeplug::GroupListElement | Encodes a group list |
CGD73Codeplug::InformationElement | Implements the information element |
CGD73Codeplug::MessageBankElement | Implements the message bank element |
CGD73Codeplug::MessageElement | Implements a message |
CGD73Codeplug::OneTouchSettingElement | Implements one of the 5 one-touch settings elements |
CGD73Codeplug::ScanListBankElement | Implements the bank of scan lists |
CGD73Codeplug::ScanListElement | Implements a scan list |
CGD73Codeplug::SettingsElement | Implements the radio settings |
CGD73Codeplug::ZoneBankElement | Implements the bank of zones |
CGD73Codeplug::ZoneElement | Implements a single zone within the binary codeplug |
COpenRTXCodeplug::ChannelElement | Implements the binary representation of a channel |
COpenRTXCodeplug::ContactElement | Implements the digital contact for the OpenRTX firmware |
COpenRTXCodeplug::HeaderElement | Implements the codeplug header element |
COpenRTXCodeplug::ZoneElement | The binary encoding of a zone |
CRadioddityCodeplug::BootSettingsElement | Implements the base class of boot settings for all Radioddity codeplugs |
CRadioddityCodeplug::BootTextElement | Implements the base class of boot messages for all Radioddity codeplugs |
CRadioddityCodeplug::ButtonSettingsElement | Implements the base class of button settings for all Radioddity codeplugs |
CRadioddityCodeplug::ChannelBankElement | Implements the base for channel banks in Radioddity codeplugs |
►CRadioddityCodeplug::ChannelElement | Implements the base for all Radioddity channel encodings |
►CGD77Codeplug::ChannelElement | Channel representation within the binary codeplug |
COpenGD77Codeplug::ChannelElement | Implements the OpenGD77 specific channel |
CRD5RCodeplug::ChannelElement | Implements the specialization of the Radioddity channel for the RD5R radio |
CRadioddityCodeplug::VFOChannelElement | VFO Channel representation within the binary codeplug |
►CRadioddityCodeplug::ContactElement | Implements the base for digital contacts in Radioddity codeplugs |
►CGD77Codeplug::ContactElement | Specific codeplug representation of a DMR contact for the GD77 |
COpenGD77Codeplug::ContactElement | Implements the OpenGD77 specific DMR contact |
CRadioddityCodeplug::DTMFContactElement | Implements a base DTMF (analog) contact for Radioddity codeplugs |
►CRadioddityCodeplug::EncryptionElement | Represents all encryption keys and settings within the codeplug on the device |
CRD5RCodeplug::EncryptionElement | Implements the encoding/decoding of encryption keys for the RD-5R radio |
CRadioddityCodeplug::GeneralSettingsElement | Implements the base class of general settings for all Radioddity codeplugs |
►CRadioddityCodeplug::GroupListBankElement | Implements a base class of group list memory banks for all Radioddity codeplugs |
CGD77Codeplug::GroupListBankElement | Table of RX group lists |
►CRadioddityCodeplug::GroupListElement | Represents a base class for all group lists within Radioddity codeplugs |
►CGD77Codeplug::GroupListElement | Represents an RX group list within the codeplug |
COpenGD77Codeplug::GroupListElement | Implements the OpenGD77 specific group list |
CRadioddityCodeplug::MenuSettingsElement | Implements the base class of menu settings for all Radioddity codeplugs |
CRadioddityCodeplug::MessageBankElement | Implements the base class of a message bank for all Radioddity message banks |
►CRadioddityCodeplug::ScanListBankElement | Implements the base class of scan lists banks for all Radioddity codeplugs |
CGD77Codeplug::ScanListBankElement | Bank of scan lists for the GD77 |
►CRadioddityCodeplug::ScanListElement | Implements the base class for scan lists of all Radioddity codeplugs |
CGD77Codeplug::ScanListElement | Represents a single scan list within the GD77 codeplug |
►CRadioddityCodeplug::ZoneBankElement | Implements the base class for all zone banks of Radioddity codeplugs |
COpenGD77Codeplug::ZoneBankElement | Implements the OpenGD77 specific zone bank |
►CRadioddityCodeplug::ZoneElement | Represents a zone within Radioddity codeplugs |
COpenGD77Codeplug::ZoneElement | Implements the OpenGD77 specific zone |
CTyTCallsignDB::EntryElement | Represents an entry within the call-sign database |
CTyTCallsignDB::IndexElement | Represents a search index over the complete call-sign database |
CTyTCallsignDB::IndexElement::Entry | Represents an index entry, a pair of DMR ID and call-sign DB index |
►CTyTCodeplug::ButtonSettingsElement | Represents all button settings within the codeplug on the radio |
CDM1701Codeplug::ButtonSettingsElement | Extens the common TyTCodeplug::ButtonSettingsElement to implement the DM-1701 specific settings |
►CTyTCodeplug::ChannelElement | Represents a single channel (analog or digital) within the TyT codeplug |
►CDM1701Codeplug::ChannelElement | Extends the common TyTCodeplug::ChannelElement to implement the DM-1701 specific settings |
CDM1701Codeplug::VFOChannelElement | Extends the ChannelElement to implement the VFO channel settings for the DM-1701 |
CMD390Codeplug::ChannelElement | Extends the common TyTCodeplug::ChannelElement to implement the MD-390 specific settings |
►CUV390Codeplug::ChannelElement | Extends the TyTCodeplug::ChannelElement for the TyT MD-UV390 and Retevis RT3S |
CUV390Codeplug::VFOChannelElement | Implements a VFO channel for TyT radios |
►CTyTCodeplug::ContactElement | Represents a digital (DMR) contact within the codeplug |
CMD2017Codeplug::ContactElement | Contact element for MD2017 codeplugs |
CTyTCodeplug::EmergencySettingsElement | Represents the emergency settings within the codeplug on the radio |
CTyTCodeplug::EmergencySystemElement | Represents a single emergency system within the radio |
CTyTCodeplug::EncryptionElement | Represents all encryption keys and settings within the codeplug on the device |
CTyTCodeplug::GPSSystemElement | Represents a single GPS system within the codeplug |
►CTyTCodeplug::GeneralSettingsElement | Codeplug representation of the general settings |
►CDM1701Codeplug::GeneralSettingsElement | Extends the common TyTCodeplug::GeneralSettingsElement to implement the DM-1701 specific settings |
CUV390Codeplug::GeneralSettingsElement | Extends the common TyTCodeplug::GeneralSettings to implement the MD-UV390 specific settings |
CTyTCodeplug::GroupListElement | Representation of an RX group list within the codeplug |
►CTyTCodeplug::MenuSettingsElement | Represents all menu settings within the codeplug on the radio |
CMD390Codeplug::MenuSettingsElement | Extends the TyTCodeplug::MenuSettingsElement to implement the MD-390 specific menu settings |
CUV390Codeplug::MenuSettingsElement | Represents the menu settings (selected zone and channels) within the UV390 code-plug |
CTyTCodeplug::MessageBankElement | Bank of pre-defined SMS text messages |
CTyTCodeplug::MessageElement | Basic pre-defined SMS text message |
CTyTCodeplug::OneTouchSettingElement | Represents a single one-touch setting within the codeplug on the radio |
CTyTCodeplug::ScanListElement | Represents a scan list within the codeplug |
CTyTCodeplug::TimestampElement | Codeplug representation of programming time-stamp and CPS version |
CTyTCodeplug::ZoneElement | Represents a zone within the codeplug |
CUV390Codeplug::BootSettingsElement | Represents the boot-time settings (selected zone and channels) within the UV390 code-plug |
CDFUFile::Element | Represents a single element within a Image |
►CElement | |
CD578UVCodeplug::AirBandChannelElement | Implements the air-band receiver channel |
CRD5RCodeplug::TimestampElement | Implements the timestamp for RD-5R codeplugs |
CRadioLimitList::ElementLimits | Helper struct to pass list entry definitions |
CErrorStack | Implements a stack of error messages to provide a pretty formatted error traceback |
Cfile_header | Internal used struct to read a CPS file header |
CCodeplug::Flags | Certain flags passed to CodePlug::encode to control the transfer and encoding of the codeplug |
CDMR6X2UVCodeplug::FontColor | Font colors supported by the DMR-6X2UV |
CFrequency | Helper type to encode frequencies without any rounding error |
CGD73FileReader | Methods to read manufacturer codeplug files |
CGD77FileReader | Methods to read manufacturer codeplug files |
CDFUFile::Image | Represents a single image within a DFUFile |
CInterval | Represents a time interval |
CD578UVCodeplug::GeneralSettingsElement::KeyFunction | Device specific key functions |
CD868UVCodeplug::GeneralSettingsElement::KeyFunction | Device specific key functions |
CD878UVCodeplug::GeneralSettingsElement::KeyFunction | Device specific key functions |
CDMR6X2UVCodeplug::GeneralSettingsElement::KeyFunction | Device specific encoding of the key functions |
CGD73Codeplug::SettingsElement::KeyFunction | Possible programmable key function |
CRadioddityCodeplug::ButtonSettingsElement::KeyFunction | Encoding/decoding of function key actions |
CAnytoneCodeplug::AnalogQuickCallsElement::Limit | Some limits for the quick calls |
CAnytoneCodeplug::DMRAPRSMessageElement::Limit | Some limits for the message |
CAnytoneCodeplug::DMREncryptionKeyIDListElement::Limit | Some limits for the list |
CAnytoneCodeplug::DMREncryptionKeyListElement::Limit | Some limits of the list |
CAnytoneCodeplug::DTMFContactElement::Limit | Some limits for the element |
CAnytoneCodeplug::DTMFIDListElement::Limit | Some limits of the list |
CAnytoneCodeplug::FiveToneFunctionListElement::Limit | Some limits for the list |
CAnytoneCodeplug::FiveToneIDListElement::Limit | Some limits for the list |
CAnytoneCodeplug::HotKeySettingsElement::Limit | Some limits for this element |
CAnytoneCodeplug::RepeaterOffsetListElement::Limit | Some limits for the offset frequency table |
CAnytoneCodeplug::StatusMessagesElement::Limit | Some limits |
CAnytoneCodeplug::TwoToneFunctionElement::Limit | Some limits of the element |
CAnytoneCodeplug::TwoToneIDElement::Limit | Some limits for the element |
CAnytoneCodeplug::WFMChannelListElement::Limit | Some limits for the channel list |
CCodeplug::Element::Limit | Base class for Limits |
CD578UVCodeplug::AirBandChannelElement::Limit | Some limits of the channel |
CD578UVCodeplug::HotKeySettingsElement::Limit | Some limits for this element |
►CD868UVCallsignDB::Limit | Some limits for the call-sign DB |
CD878UV2CallsignDB::Limit | Some limits of the call-sign DB |
►CD868UVCodeplug::Limit | Some limits for the codeplug |
►CD878UVCodeplug::Limit | Some limits |
CD578UVCodeplug::Limit | Some limtis for the codeplug |
CDMR6X2UVCodeplug::Limit | Some limits for the codeplug |
CD878UVCodeplug::AnalogAPRSMessageElement::Limit | Some limits |
CD878UVCodeplug::APRSSettingsElement::Limit | Some static limits for this element |
CD878UVCodeplug::ExtendedSettingsElement::Limit | Some limits for the settings |
CD878UVCodeplug::FMAPRSFrequencyNamesElement::Limit | Some limits for the element |
CD878UVCodeplug::RoamingChannelElement::Limit | Some limits |
CD878UVCodeplug::RoamingZoneElement::Limit | Some limits |
CDMR6X2UVCodeplug::APRSSettingsElement::Limit | Some static limits for this element |
CDMR6X2UVCodeplug::ExtendedSettingsElement::Limit | Some limits for entries |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::AlarmSystemBankElement::Limit | Some limits |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::AlarmSystemElement::Limit | Some limits |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::ChannelBankElement::Limit | Limits of some elements |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::ContactBankElement::Limit | Some Limits |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::ContactElement::Limit | Some limits |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::DTMFIDBankElement::Limit | Some limits |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::DTMFIDElement::Limit | Some limits |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::DTMFSettingsElement::Limit | Some limits |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::DTMFSystemBankElement::Limit | Some limits |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::EncryptionKeyBankElement::Limit | Some limits for the key bank |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::EncryptionKeyElement::Limit | Some limits for the element |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::GroupListBankElement::Limit | Some limits |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::GroupListElement::Limit | Some limits |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::MessageBankElement::Limit | Some limits |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::MessageElement::Limit | Some limits |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::OneTouchSettingsElement::Limit | Some limits |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::PTTIDBankElement::Limit | Some limits |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::ScanListBankElement::Limit | Some limits |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::ScanListElement::Limit | Some limits |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::SettingsElement::Limit | Some limits |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::VFOBankElement::Limit | Some limits for the element |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::ZoneBankElement::Limit | Some limits |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::ZoneElement::Limit | Some limits |
►CElement::Limit | |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::DMRSettingsElement::Limit | Some limits |
CGD73Codeplug::ChannelBankElement::Limit | Some limits for the channel bank |
CGD73Codeplug::ChannelElement::Limit | Some limits for the channel |
CGD73Codeplug::ContactBankElement::Limit | Some limits |
CGD73Codeplug::ContactElement::Limit | Some limits |
CGD73Codeplug::DMRSettingsElement::Limit | Some limits |
CGD73Codeplug::DTMFNumberBankElement::Limit | Some limits |
CGD73Codeplug::DTMFNumberElement::Limit | Some limits |
CGD73Codeplug::DTMFPTTSettingBankElement::Limit | Some limits |
CGD73Codeplug::DTMFSystemBankElement::Limit | Some limits |
CGD73Codeplug::DTMFSystemElement::Limit | Some limits |
CGD73Codeplug::EncryptionKeyBankElement::Limit | Some limits |
CGD73Codeplug::GroupListBankElement::Limit | Some limits |
CGD73Codeplug::GroupListElement::Limit | Some limits |
CGD73Codeplug::InformationElement::Limit | Some limits |
CGD73Codeplug::MessageBankElement::Limit | Some limits |
CGD73Codeplug::MessageElement::Limit | Some limits |
CGD73Codeplug::ScanListBankElement::Limit | Some limits |
CGD73Codeplug::ScanListElement::Limit | Some limits |
CGD73Codeplug::SettingsElement::Limit | Some limits of the settings |
CGD73Codeplug::ZoneBankElement::Limit | Some limits for the zone bank |
CGD73Codeplug::ZoneElement::Limit | Some limits for the element |
CRadioddityCodeplug::EncryptionElement::Limit | Some limits for the encryption element |
CRadioddityCodeplug::GroupListBankElement::Limit | Some limits for the group list bank |
►CRadioddityCodeplug::GroupListElement::Limit | Some limits for the group list |
CGD77Codeplug::GroupListElement::Limit | Limits of the element |
CRadioddityCodeplug::MessageBankElement::Limit | Some limits |
CTyTCodeplug::EncryptionElement::Limit | Some limits for the element |
CTyTCodeplug::MessageBankElement::Limit | Some Limits |
CTyTCodeplug::MessageElement::Limit | Some limits |
CRadioddityCodeplug::ButtonSettingsElement::Limits | Some limits |
CMD2017FileReader | Methods to read manufacturer codeplug files |
CMD390FileReader | Methods to read manufacturer codeplug files |
CErrorStack::Message | Represents a single error message |
CD878UVCodeplug::NameColor | Channel name and call-sign colors supported by the D878UV |
CMelody::Note | Encodes a note, that is tone and duration |
CAnytoneCodeplug::AlarmSettingElement::Offset | Internal offsets within the element |
CAnytoneCodeplug::AnalogQuickCallsElement::Offset | Some offsets within the element |
►CAnytoneCodeplug::ChannelElement::Offset | Internal used offsets within the channel element |
►CD868UVCodeplug::ChannelElement::Offset | Internal used offsets within the channel element |
CD878UVCodeplug::ChannelElement::Offset | Internal used offsets within the channel element |
CAnytoneCodeplug::DigitalAlarmExtensionElement::Offset | Internal used offsets within the element |
CAnytoneCodeplug::DMRAPRSMessageElement::Offset | Some internal used offset |
CAnytoneCodeplug::DMREncryptionKeyIDListElement::Offset | Some internal used offsets within the element |
CAnytoneCodeplug::DMREncryptionKeyListElement::Offset | Some offsets within the element |
CAnytoneCodeplug::DTMFContactElement::Offset | Internal used offsets within the codeplug |
►CAnytoneCodeplug::GeneralSettingsElement::Offset | Internal used offsets within the element |
CD578UVCodeplug::GeneralSettingsElement::Offset | Some internal offsets |
►CD868UVCodeplug::GeneralSettingsElement::Offset | Some internal used offsets within the element |
CD878UVCodeplug::GeneralSettingsElement::Offset | Some internal used offsets within the element |
CDMR6X2UVCodeplug::GeneralSettingsElement::Offset | Some internal used offsets within the element |
CAnytoneCodeplug::HotKeySettingsElement::Offset | Some internal offsets within the element |
CAnytoneCodeplug::RepeaterOffsetListElement::Offset | Some internal used offsets |
CAnytoneCodeplug::StatusMessagesElement::Offset | Some internal offsets |
CAnytoneCodeplug::TwoToneFunctionElement::Offset | Some internal offsets within the element |
CAnytoneCodeplug::TwoToneIDElement::Offset | Some internal offsets within the element |
CAnytoneCodeplug::WFMChannelListElement::Offset | Some internal offsets within the element |
CCodeplug::Element::Offset | Base class for Offsets |
CD578UVCodeplug::AirBandChannelElement::Offset | Internal used offsets within the element |
►CD868UVCallsignDB::Offset | Some internal used offsets within the DB |
CD878UV2CallsignDB::Offset | Some internal offsets within the call-sign DB |
►CD868UVCodeplug::Offset | Some internal used offsets within the codeplug |
►CD878UVCodeplug::Offset | Internal offsets within the codeplug |
CD578UVCodeplug::Offset | Internal used offsets within the codeplug |
CD878UV2Codeplug::Offset | Internal used offsets within the codeplug |
CDMR6X2UVCodeplug::Offset | Some internal used offsets within the codeplug |
CD878UVCodeplug::APRSSettingsElement::Offset | Internal used offsets within the codeplug element |
CD878UVCodeplug::ExtendedSettingsElement::Offset | Internal used offset within the element |
CD878UVCodeplug::FMAPRSFrequencyNamesElement::Offset | Some internal offsets within the element |
CD878UVCodeplug::RoamingChannelElement::Offset | Some internal offsets within the element |
CD878UVCodeplug::RoamingZoneElement::Offset | Some internal offsets within the element |
CDM1701Codeplug::Offset | Some internal offsets within the codeplug |
CDMR6X2UVCodeplug::APRSSettingsElement::Offset | Internal used offsets within the codeplug element |
CDMR6X2UVCodeplug::ExtendedSettingsElement::Offset | Some internal offset within the codeplug element |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::AlarmSystemBankElement::Offset | Some internal offsets within the element |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::AlarmSystemElement::Offset | Some internal offsets within the codeplug |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::ChannelBankElement::Offset | Offsets within the element |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::DTMFIDBankElement::Offset | Some offsets within the codeplug |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::DTMFIDElement::Offset | Some internal offset within the element |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::DTMFSettingsElement::Offset | Internal offsets within the settings element |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::DTMFSystemBankElement::Offset | Some offsets within the element |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::DTMFSystemElement::Offset | Some offsets within the element |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::EncryptionKeyElement::Offset | Some internal offsets within the element |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::GroupListBankElement::Offset | Some offsets within the element |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::KeySettingsElement::Offset | Internal offsets within the element |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::MessageBankElement::Offset | Offsets within the element |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::MessageElement::Offset | Some offsets within the element |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::Offset | Defines the offsets within the codeplug |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::OneTouchSettingElement::Offset | Some internal offsets |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::OneTouchSettingsElement::Offset | Some internal offset |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::PTTIDBankElement::Offset | Some internal offsets within the element |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::PTTIDElement::Offset | Some internal offsets within the element |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::ScanListBankElement::Offset | Some offsets within the element |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::ScanListElement::Offset | Some offsets within the element |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::VFOBankElement::Offset | Some offsets within the element |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::ZoneBankElement::Offset | Some offsets within the element |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::ZoneElement::Offset | Some offset within the element |
►CElement::Offset | |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::ChannelElement::Offset | Some offsets within the codeplug |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::ContactBankElement::Offset | Offsets within the element |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::ContactElement::Offset | Defines offsets within the element |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::DMRSettingsElement::Offset | Internal offsets within the element |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::GroupListElement::Offset | Some offset within the codeplug |
CDR1801UVCodeplug::SettingsElement::Offset | Some offsets within the element |
CGD73Codeplug::ChannelBankElement::Offset | Internal offsets within the bank |
CGD73Codeplug::ChannelElement::Offset | Internal used offsets within the element |
CGD73Codeplug::ContactBankElement::Offset | Some internal offsets within the contact bank |
CGD73Codeplug::ContactElement::Offset | Some internal offsets within the contact |
CGD73Codeplug::DMRSettingsElement::Offset | Some internal offsets within the scan list bank |
CGD73Codeplug::DTMFNumberBankElement::Offset | Some internal offsets within the number bank |
CGD73Codeplug::DTMFNumberElement::Offset | Internal used offsets within the bank |
CGD73Codeplug::DTMFPTTSettingBankElement::Offset | Some internal offsets within the number bank |
CGD73Codeplug::DTMFPTTSettingElement::Offset | Internal used offsets within the element |
CGD73Codeplug::DTMFSystemBankElement::Offset | Some internal offsets within the message bank |
CGD73Codeplug::DTMFSystemElement::Offset | Internal used offsets within the bank |
CGD73Codeplug::EncryptionKeyBankElement::Offset | Internal used offsets within the bank |
CGD73Codeplug::EncryptionKeyElement::Offset | Internal used offsets within the bank |
CGD73Codeplug::GroupListBankElement::Offset | Some internal offsets within the group list bank |
CGD73Codeplug::GroupListElement::Offset | Some internal offsets within the group list |
CGD73Codeplug::InformationElement::Offset | Internal offsets within the element |
CGD73Codeplug::MessageBankElement::Offset | Some internal offsets within the message bank |
CGD73Codeplug::MessageElement::Offset | Internal used offsets within the bank |
CGD73Codeplug::Offset | Internal used offsets within the codeplug |
CGD73Codeplug::OneTouchSettingElement::Offset | Internal offsets within the element |
CGD73Codeplug::ScanListBankElement::Offset | Some internal offsets within the scan list bank |
CGD73Codeplug::ScanListElement::Offset | Some internal offsets within the scan list bank |
CGD73Codeplug::SettingsElement::Offset | Internal offsets within the element |
CGD73Codeplug::ZoneBankElement::Offset | Internal offsets within the element |
CGD73Codeplug::ZoneElement::Offset | Internal offsets within the zone element |
CGD77Codeplug::Offset | Internal used offsets within the codeplug |
CMD2017Codeplug::Offset | Some internal offsets within the codeplug |
CMD390Codeplug::Offset | Some internal offsets within the codeplug |
COpenGD77Codeplug::ContactElement::Offset | Holds some offsets within the element |
CRadioddityCodeplug::ButtonSettingsElement::Offset | Internal used offsets within the element |
CRadioddityCodeplug::GroupListBankElement::Offset | Internal used offset within the element |
CRadioddityCodeplug::GroupListElement::Offset | Some internal offsets within the element |
CRadioddityCodeplug::MessageBankElement::Offset | Some internal used offset |
CRD5RCodeplug::Offset | Internal offsets between codeplug elements |
CTyTCodeplug::EncryptionElement::Offset | Some internal offsets |
CUV390Codeplug::Offset | Some internal offsets within the codeplug |
CC7000Device::Packet | Request/response packet |
CDR1801UVInterface::PrepareReadRequest | Request to set transfer speed and load codeplug into RAM for transfer |
CDR1801UVInterface::PrepareReadResponse | Response to a PREPARE_CODEPLUG_READ command |
CDR1801UVInterface::PrepareWriteRequest | Request to prepare a codeplug write |
CDR1801UVInterface::PrepareWriteResponse | Response to a prepare-write request |
►CQAbstractTableModel | |
CTalkGroupDatabase | Downloads, periodically updates and provides a list of talk group IDs and their names |
CUserDatabase | Auto-updating DMR user database |
►CQObject | |
►CAbstractConfigObjectList | Generic list class for config objects |
►CConfigObjectList | List class for config objects |
CAnytoneAPRSFrequencyList | Represents a list of APRS transmit frequencies |
CAnytoneAutoRepeaterOffsetList | Represents a list of auto-repeater offsets |
CChannelList | Container class holding all channels (analog and digital) for a specific configuration (Config ) |
CContactList | Represents the list of contacts within the abstract radio configuration |
CEncryptionKeys | The list of encryption keys |
CPositioningSystems | The list of positioning systems |
CRXGroupLists | Represents the list of RX group lists within the generic configuration |
CRadioIDList | Represents the list of configured DMR IDs (radio IDs) within the abstract config |
CRoamingChannelList | Represents the list of roaming channels within the abstract device configuration |
CRoamingZoneList | Represents the list of roaming zones within the abstract device configuration |
CSMSTemplates | Just a list, holding the SMS templates |
CScanLists | Represents the list of scan lists |
CZoneList | Represents the list of zones within the generic configuration |
►CConfigObjectRefList | List class for config objects |
►CChannelRefList | Represents a list of weak references to channels (analog and digital) |
CDMRChannelRefList | Represents a list of references to some DMR channels |
CDMRContactRefList | List of references to DMR contacts |
CRoamingChannelRefList | Represents a list of references to some roaming channels |
►CC7000Device | Base class for all C7000 based radios |
CGD73Interface | Implements the communication interface to the GD-73 |
►CCSVHandler | Basic parse-handler interface |
CCSVReader | Implements the text-file codeplug reader |
CCSVLexer | The lexer class divides a text stream into tokens |
CCSVParser | The actual config file parser |
►CConfigItem | Base class for all configuration objects (channels, zones, contacts, etc) |
CAnytoneAudioSettingsExtension | Implements the audio settings extension of AnyTone devices |
CAnytoneAutoRepeaterSettingsExtension | Implements the auto-repeater settings extension of AnyTone devices |
CAnytoneBluetoothSettingsExtension | Implements the bluetooth settings for some AnyTone devices |
CAnytoneBootSettingsExtension | Implements the boot settings extension of AnyTone devices |
CAnytoneDMRSettingsExtension | Implements the DMR settings extension of AnyTone devices |
CAnytoneDisplaySettingsExtension | Implements the display settings extension of AnyTone devices |
CAnytoneGPSSettingsExtension | Implements the GPS settings extension of AnyTone devices |
CAnytoneKeySettingsExtension | Implements the key settings extension of AnyTone devices |
CAnytoneMenuSettingsExtension | Implements the menu settings extension of AnyTone devices |
CAnytonePowerSaveSettingsExtension | Implements the power-save settings for AnyTone devices |
CAnytoneRoamingSettingsExtension | Implements the ranging/roaming settings extension of AnyTone devices |
CAnytoneSimplexRepeaterSettingsExtension | Implements the simplex repeater settings for the BTECH DMR-6X2UV |
CAnytoneToneSettingsExtension | Implements the tone settings extension of AnyTone devices |
CConfig | The config class, representing the codeplug configuration |
►CConfigExtension | Base class of all device/vendor specific confiuration extensions |
►CAnytoneChannelExtension | Implements the common properties for analog and digital AnyTone channels |
CAnytoneDMRChannelExtension | Implements the settings extension for DMR channels on AnyTone devices |
CAnytoneFMChannelExtension | Implements the settings extension for FM channels on AnyTone devices |
CAnytoneContactExtension | Implements the AnyTone contact extension |
CAnytoneFMAPRSSettingsExtension | Implements some additional settings for the FM APRS system |
CAnytoneSettingsExtension | Implements the device specific extension for the general settings of AnyTone devices |
CAnytoneZoneExtension | Implements the AnyTone extensions for zones |
CCommercialChannelExtension | Implements the generic extension for all channels configuring commercial features of DMR |
CCommercialExtension | Implements the generic extension for the codeplug to represent some commercial features of DMR |
COpenGD77ChannelExtension | Implements the channel extensions for the OpenGD77 radios |
COpenGD77ContactExtension | Implements the contact extensions for the OpenGD77 radios |
CRadiodditySettingsExtension | Represents the general settings extension for Radioddity devices |
CSMSExtension | Extension collecting all settings associated with SMS messages |
CTyTButtonSettings | Represents the TyT button settings extension |
CTyTChannelExtension | Represents the TyT channel extension |
CTyTConfigExtension | Groups several extension for TyT devices |
CTyTMenuSettings | Represents the TyT menu settings extension |
CTyTScanListExtension | Represents device specific scan-list settings for TyT devices |
CTyTSettingsExtension | Represents the TyT general settings extension |
►CConfigObject | Base class of all labeled and named objects |
CAnytoneAPRSFrequency | Implements the config representation of an FM APRS frequency |
CAnytoneAutoRepeaterOffset | Implements the config representation of a repeater offset |
►CChannel | The base class of all channels (analog and digital) of a codeplug configuration |
►CAnalogChannel | Base class for all analog channels |
CFMChannel | Extension to the AnalogChannel class to implement an analog FM channel |
►CDigitalChannel | Base class of all digital channels |
CDMRChannel | Extension to the DigitalChannel class to implement an DMR channel |
CSelectedChannel | Internal singleton class representing the "currently selected" channel |
►CContact | Represents the base-class for all contact types, analog (DTMF) or digital (DMR, M17) |
►CAnalogContact | Base class for all analog contacts |
CDTMFContact | Represents an analog contact, that is a DTMF number |
►CDigitalContact | Base class for all digital contacts |
CDMRContact | Represents a digital contact, that is a DMR number |
►CEncryptionKey | Base class of all encryption keys |
CAESEncryptionKey | Represents an AES (enhanced) encryption key |
CBasicEncryptionKey | Represents a DMR (basic) encryption key |
CEnhancedEncryptionKey | Represents an (enhanced) RC4 encryption key |
►CPositioningSystem | Base class of the positioning systems, that is APRS and DMR position reporting system |
CAPRSSystem | Represents an APRS system within the generic config |
CGPSSystem | This class represents a GPS signalling system within the codeplug |
CRXGroupList | Generic representation of a RX group list |
►CRadioID | Abstract base class for all radio IDs |
►CDMRRadioID | Represents a DMR radio ID within the abstract config |
CDefaultRadioID | A singleton radio ID representing the default DMR radio ID within the abstract config |
CDTMFRadioID | Represents a DTMF radio ID as used for PTT-ID on analog channels |
CRoamingChannel | Represents a roaming channel |
►CRoamingZone | Represents a RoamingZone within the abstract device configuration |
CDefaultRoamingZone | Dummy roaming zone class that represents the default roaming zone |
CSMSTemplate | Represents a SMS message template (pre defined message) |
CScanList | Generic representation of a scan list |
CZone | Represents a zone within the generic configuration |
CMelody | A config item that encodes a melody |
CRadioSettings | Represents the common radio-global settings |
CRadioddityBootSettingsExtension | Represents the boot settings for Radioddity devices |
CRadioddityButtonSettingsExtension | Represents the button settings extension for all radioddity devices |
CRadioddityToneSettingsExtension | Tone settings for Radioddity devices |
►CConfigObjectReference | Implements a reference to a config object |
CAnytoneAPRSFrequencyRef | Represents a reference to an APRS frequency |
CAnytoneAutoRepeaterOffsetRef | Represents a reference to a repeater offset |
►CChannelReference | Represents a reference to a channel |
CDMRChannelReference | Implements a reference to a DMR channel |
CFMChannelReference | Implements a reference to a FM channel |
►CContactReference | Represents a reference to a contact |
CDMRContactReference | Represents a reference to a DMR contact |
CDMRRadioIDReference | Implements a reference to a radio ID |
CEncryptionKeyReference | Implements a reference to an encryption key |
CGroupListReference | Implements a reference to a group list |
►CPositioningSystemReference | Implements a reference to a positioning system |
CAPRSSystemReference | Implements a reference to an APRS system |
CGPSSystemReference | Implements a reference to a GPS system |
CRoamingZoneReference | Implements a reference to a roaming zone |
CScanListReference | Implements a reference to a scan list |
CZoneReference | Implements a reference to a zone |
►CDFUDevice | This class implements DFU protocol to access radios |
►CDFUSEDevice | Implements the ST MCU extensions for the DFU protocol, aka DfuSe |
CTyTInterface | Interface to TyT (and Retevis) devices |
COpenRTXInterface | Implements the communication interface to radios running the OpenRTX firmware |
►CDFUFile | A collection of images, each consisting of one or more memory sections |
►CCallsignDB | Abstract base class of all callsign database implementations |
►CD868UVCallsignDB | Represents and encodes the binary format for the call-sign database within a AnyTone AT-D868UV radio |
CD878UV2CallsignDB | Represents and encodes the binary format for the call-sign database within the radio |
CGD77CallsignDB | Represents and encodes the binary format for the call-sign database within the radio |
COpenGD77CallsignDB | Represents and encodes the binary format for the call-sign database within the radio |
►CTyTCallsignDB | Base class for all call-sign DBs of TyT/Retevis devices |
CDM1701CallsignDB | Device specific implementation of the call-sign DB for the BTECH DM1701 and Retevis RT84 |
CMD2017CallsignDB | Device specific implementation of the call-sign DB for the TyT MD-2017 |
CUV390CallsignDB | Device specific implementation of the call-sign DB for the TyT MD-UV390 |
►CCodeplug | This class defines the interface all device-specific code-plugs must implement |
►CAnytoneCodeplug | Base class interface for all Anytone radio codeplugs |
►CD868UVCodeplug | Represents the device specific binary codeplug for Anytone AT-D868UV radios |
►CD878UVCodeplug | Represents the device specific binary codeplug for Anytone AT-D878UV radios |
CD578UVCodeplug | Represents the device specific binary codeplug for Anytone AT-D578UV radios |
CD878UV2Codeplug | Represents the device specific binary codeplug for Anytone AT-D878UVII radios |
CDMR6X2UVCodeplug | Represents the device specific binary codeplug for BTECH DMR-6X2UV radios |
CDR1801UVCodeplug | Implements the binary codeplug representation of a BTECH DR-1801UV (a.k.a, BF-1801-A6) |
CGD73Codeplug | Represents, encodes and decodes the device specific codeplug for a Radioddity GD-73 |
COpenRTXCodeplug | Implements the binary encoding and decoding of the OpenRTX codeplug |
►CRadioddityCodeplug | Base class of all Radioddity codeplugs |
►CGD77Codeplug | Represents, encodes and decodes the device specific codeplug for a Radioddity GD-77 |
COpenGD77Codeplug | Represents, encodes and decodes the device specific codeplug for Open GD-77 firmware |
CRD5RCodeplug | Represents, encodes and decodes the device specific codeplug for a Baofeng/Radioddity RD-5R |
►CTyTCodeplug | Base class of all TyT codeplugs |
CDM1701Codeplug | Device specific implementation of the codeplug for the Baofeng DM-1701 |
CMD2017Codeplug | Device specific implementation of the codeplug for the TyT MD-2017 |
CMD390Codeplug | Device specific implementation of the codeplug for the TyT MD-390(U/V) |
CUV390Codeplug | Device specific implementation of the codeplug for the TyT MD-UV390 |
►CHIDevice | Implements the HID radio interface using libusb |
CRadioddityInterface | Implements a radio interface for radios using the HID USB schema (i.e |
CHIDevice | Implements the HID radio interface using libusb |
►CLogHandler | Interface for all log message handler |
CFileLogHandler | A log-handler that dumps log-messages into files |
CStreamLogHandler | A log-handler that dumps log-messages into a QTextStream |
CLogger | Singleton class to process log messages |
►CRadioLimitElement | Abstract base class for all radio limits |
CRadioLimitGroupCallRefList | Implements the limits for a list of references to group call contacts |
►CRadioLimitItem | Represents the limits for a ConfigItem instance |
►CRadioLimitObject | Represents the limits for all properties of a ConfigObject instance |
CRadioLimitIgnored | Represents an ignored element in the codeplug |
CRadioLimitObjects | Dispatch by class |
CRadioLimitSingleZone | Specialized RadioLimitObject handling a zone for radio supporting only a single channel list per zone |
►CRadioLimits | Represents the limits or the entire codeplug |
►CAnytoneLimits | Base class of limtis for all AnyTone radios |
CD578UVLimits | Implements the limits for the AnyTone AT-D878UV |
CD868UVLimits | Implements the limits for the AnyTone AT-D878UV |
CD878UV2Limits | Implements the limits for the AnyTone AT-D878UV2 |
CD878UVLimits | Implements the limits for the AnyTone AT-D878UV |
CDMR6X2UVLimits | Implements the limits for the BTECH DMR-6X2UV |
CDM1701Limits | Implements the configuration limits for the Baofeng DM-1701 |
CDR1801UVLimits | Implements the configuration limits for the BTECH DR-1801UV |
CGD73Limits | Implements the limits for the Radioddity GD77 |
CGD77Limits | Implements the limits for the Radioddity GD77 |
CMD2017Limits | Implements the limits for the TyT MD-2017 |
CMD390Limits | Implements the radio limits for TyT MD-390 radios |
COpenGD77Limits | Implements the limits for the OpenGD77 firmware |
CRD5RLimits | Implements the configuration limits for the Radioddity RD-5R |
CUV390Limits | Implements the configuration limits for the TyT MD-UV390 and Retevis RT3S |
CRadioLimitList | Specifies the limits for a list of ConfigObject instances |
►CRadioLimitObjRef | Limits the possible classes a ConfigObjectReference may refer to |
CRadioLimitObjRefIgnored | Issues a notification if a reference is set |
CRadioLimitRefList | Implements the limits for reference lists |
►CRadioLimitValue | Base class to verify values |
►CRadioLimitBool | Checks if a property is a boolean value |
CRadioLimitIgnoredBool | Specifies an boolean value as ignored |
CRadioLimitEnum | Represents a limit for a set of enum values |
►CRadioLimitFrequencies | Represents a limit on frequencies in MHz |
CRadioLimitTransmitFrequencies | Specialization for transmit frequency limits |
CRadioLimitString | Checks a string valued property |
CRadioLimitStringIgnored | Notifies the user that a string gets ignored |
CRadioLimitStringRegEx | Verifies that a string matches a regular expression |
►CRadioLimitUInt | Represents a limit for an unsigned integer value |
CRadioLimitDMRId | Represents a DMR ID |
CSignaling | Contains the enum and utility functions to deal with analog signaling like CTCSS and DCS |
►CQSerialPort | |
►CUSBSerial | Implements a serial connection to a radio via USB |
CAnytoneInterface | Implements the interface to Anytone D868UV, D878UV, etc radios |
►CAuctusA6Interface | Implements the communication interface to radios using the Auctus A6 chip |
CDR1801UVInterface | Implements the actual interface to the DR-1801UV, which builds upon the AuctusA6Interface |
COpenGD77Interface | Implements the interfact to a radio running the Open GD77 firmware |
►CQTextStream | |
CErrorStack::MessageStream | A helper class to assemble error messages as streams |
CLogMessage | Implements a log-message |
CRadioLimitIssue | Represents a single issue found during verification |
►CQThread | |
►CRadio | Base class for all Radio objects |
►CAnytoneRadio | Implements an interface to Anytone radios |
CD578UV | Implements an interface to Anytone AT-D578UV VHF/UHF 50W DMR (Tier I & II) radios |
CD868UV | Implements an interface to Anytone AT-D868UV VHF/UHF 7W DMR (Tier I & II) radios |
CD878UV | Implements an interface to Anytone AT-D878UV VHF/UHF 7W DMR (Tier I & II) radios |
CD878UV2 | Implements an interface to Anytone AT-D878UVII VHF/UHF 7W DMR (Tier I & II) radios |
CDMR6X2UV | Represents a BTECH DMR-6X2UV |
CDR1801UV | Implements the BTECH DR-1801UV (BF-1801 A6) |
CGD73 | Implements an USB interface to the Radioddity GD-73 UHF 2W DMR (Tier I&II) radio |
COpenGD77 | Implements an USB interface to Open GD-77(S) VHF/UHF 5W DMR (Tier I&II) radios |
COpenRTX | Implements an USB interface to radios running the Open RTX firmware |
►CRadioddityRadio | Base class for all Radioddity radios |
CGD77 | Implements an USB interface to the Radioddity GD-77(S) VHF/UHF 5W DMR (Tier I&II) radios |
CRD5R | Implements an interface to the Baofeng/Radioddity RD-5R VHF/UHF 5W DMR (Tier I/II) radio |
►CTyTRadio | Implements an USB interface to TYT & Retevis radios |
CDM1701 | Implements an USB interface to the Baofeng DM-1701 and Retevis RT84 VHF/UHF 5W DMR (Tier I&II) radios |
CMD2017 | Implements an USB interface to the TYT MD-2017 & Retevis RT82 VHF/UHF 5W DMR (Tier I&II) radios |
CMD390 | Implements an USB interface to the TYT MD-390 VHF/UHF 5W DMR (Tier I&II) radio |
CUV390 | Implements an USB interface to the TYT MD-UV390 & Retevis RT3S VHF/UHF 5W DMR (Tier I&II) radios |
CRadioInfo | Provides some information about a radio model |
CAnytoneInterface::RadioInfoResponse | Structure of radio information response |
►CRadioInterface | Abstract radio interface |
CGD73Interface | Implements the communication interface to the GD-73 |
COpenRTXInterface | Implements the communication interface to radios running the OpenRTX firmware |
CRadioddityInterface | Implements a radio interface for radios using the HID USB schema (i.e |
CTyTInterface | Interface to TyT (and Retevis) devices |
CUSBSerial | Implements a serial connection to a radio via USB |
CRadioLimitContext | Collects the issues found during verification |
CAnytoneInterface::RadioVariant | Collects information about the particular radio being accessed |
CCodeplug::Element::Limit::Range< T > | Holds a range of values [min, max] |
CRange< T > | Simple range class representing some range in some data type |
CRD5RFileReader | Methods to read manufacturer codeplug files |
CAnytoneInterface::ReadRequest | Binary representation of a read request to the radio |
COpenGD77Interface::ReadRequest | Represents a read message |
CAnytoneInterface::ReadResponse | Binary representation of a read response from the radio |
COpenGD77Interface::ReadResponse | Represents a read response message |
CCallsignDB::Selection | Controls the selection of callsigns from the UserDatabase to be encoded into the callsign db |
►CD868UVCodeplug::Size | Internal used sizes |
CDMR6X2UVCodeplug::Size | Some internal used sizes |
CErrorStack::Stack | The actual error message stack |
CCSVLexer::State | Current state of lexer |
CCodeplug::Context::Table | Internal used table type to associate objects and indices |
CD878UVCodeplug::TextColor | Text colors supported by the D878UV |
CD578UVCodeplug::GeneralSettingsElement::TimeZone | Device specific time zones |
CD878UVCodeplug::GeneralSettingsElement::TimeZone | Device specific time zones |
CCSVLexer::Token | The token |
CUSBDeviceHandle | Combines the USB bus and device number, to address a USB device uniquely |
►CUSBDeviceInfo | Generic information about a possible radio interface |
►CUSBDeviceDescriptor | Base class for all radio interface descriptors representing a unique interface to a connected radio |
CC7000Device::Descriptor | Specialization to address a DFU device uniquely |
CDFUDevice::Descriptor | Specialization to address a DFU device uniquely |
CHIDevice::Descriptor | Specialization to address a HI device uniquely |
CHIDevice::Descriptor | Specialization to address a HI device uniquely |
CUSBSerial::Descriptor | Specialization of radio interface info for serial ports |
CUserDatabase::User | Represents the user information within the UserDatabase |
CGD77CallsignDB::userdb_entry_t | Represents a user-db entry within the binary codeplug |
COpenGD77CallsignDB::userdb_entry_t | Represents a user-db entry within the binary codeplug |
CGD77CallsignDB::userdb_t | Represents the binary call-sign database header |
COpenGD77CallsignDB::userdb_t | Represents the binary call-sign database header |
CUV390FileReader | Methods to read manufacturer codeplug files |
►CVisitor | Base visitor class for the config tree |
CConfigCloneVisitor | This visitor traverses the the given configuration and clones it |
CConfigLabelingVisitor | A visitor to label the entire configuration |
CConfigMergeVisitor | Implements a visitor to merge the visited config into a given config |
CFixReferencesVisistor | Replaces references using a specified map |
CObjectFilterVisitor | Fitlers instance by meta object |
CZoneMergeVisitor | Simple visitor that merges zones |
CZoneSplitVisitor | Simple visitor that splits Zones having A and B channels into two zones with A-lists only |
CAnytoneInterface::WriteRequest | Binary representation of a write request to the radio |
COpenGD77Interface::WriteRequest | Represents a write message |
COpenGD77Interface::WriteResponse | Represents a write-response message |